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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/14/15 7:27 pm | #2356
Quote by Meta:
Quote by DeWayne:
The new Tony Hawk isn't as terrible as they make it out to be. Rented from Red Box. wouldn't pay full price but a good rental.
I want to try it. Were you a fan of the old games?
Yeah absolutely. American Wasteland was awesome. But you can only get so many skate and combo and hidden vhs tapes...have to complete alot of goals to unlock all the maps...user created maps like forge is pretty awesome.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/14/15 7:31 pm | #2357
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
You mean for playing them or for designing them?
for creating them. I did some more research, and this place... the game companies i called all said they would not hire any one from here.
It's not an accredited school, so that isn't surprising.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/14/15 7:33 pm | #2358
Quote by DeWayne:
The new Tony Hawk isn't as terrible as they make it out to be. Rented from Red Box. wouldn't pay full price but a good rental.
Evol rented it- for us it is much worse than the reviews said. I'm just watching him play like "HOW THE FUCK DID THIS GET RELEASED?!?!!"
We both love the old games. But this is crap. You have to restart the game after every 2 mini games!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/15/15 1:06 am | #2359
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
for creating them. I did some more research, and this place... the game companies i called all said they would not hire any one from here.
It's not an accredited school, so that isn't surprising.
Any of the 'tech' schools or private educational schools - none of them are accredited. You have some really good schools up there. Look around at the Comm College level for 3D Modeling courses using Maya or ZBrush.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/15/15 4:17 am | #2360
Quote by Kat:
Quote by DeWayne:
The new Tony Hawk isn't as terrible as they make it out to be. Rented from Red Box. wouldn't pay full price but a good rental.
Evol rented it- for us it is much worse than the reviews said. I'm just watching him play like "HOW THE FUCK DID THIS GET RELEASED?!?!!"
We both love the old games. But this is crap. You have to restart the game after every 2 mini games!
I feel like the Tony Hawk devs have the same degenerative brain disease that Squeenix has when it comes to making FF games--people want more stuff like 7 and 10 but instead they keep pumping out games that are nothing like that.
Most Tony Hawk fans seem to want more of what THPS3 was--lots of moves, good variety of focused levels, and fun unlocks and easter eggs. I loved the first 3 games, and while I also thought the THUG games were interesting offshoots I would like to see them return to the smaller scale and focus of 3. It has felt like a bad downhill trend ever since 4.
THPSHD was ok in some ways but not including reverts and stuff right off the bat was a stupid move.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/15/15 4:34 pm | #2361
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Kat:
It's not an accredited school, so that isn't surprising.
Any of the 'tech' schools or private educational schools - none of them are accredited. You have some really good schools up there. Look around at the Comm College level for 3D Modeling courses using Maya or ZBrush.
In my experience and from what knowledge I've gained from speaking to people I know in HR for various industries, in general attending an unaccredited school is throwing your money away... And it's a lot of money, they're for profit schools. They're a step away from diploma mills, and their degrees are looked at skeptically. YMMV, of course, but I'd take a state college's design program any day over "National Institute of Video Games and Awesome Careers."
Most community colleges/ tech schools are accredited and state funded...
Re: Random Gaming
10/15/15 11:29 pm | #2362
So nobody's played Rock Band 4 yet?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/16/15 12:29 am | #2363
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Any of the 'tech' schools or private educational schools - none of them are accredited. You have some really good schools up there. Look around at the Comm College level for 3D Modeling courses using Maya or ZBrush.
In my experience and from what knowledge I've gained from speaking to people I know in HR for various industries, in general attending an unaccredited school is throwing your money away... And it's a lot of money, they're for profit schools. They're a step away from diploma mills, and their degrees are looked at skeptically. YMMV, of course, but I'd take a state college's design program any day over "National Institute of Video Games and Awesome Careers."
Most community colleges/ tech schools are accredited and state funded...
Yes, what she said is absolutely correct. When I mentioned 'tech' schools earlier, I was actually talking about the 'for profit' schools. Thanks for the correction Kat.
Other classes you may want to look into are the 2D and 3D animation classes. If a comm college had those classes, they will give you a great start on the road to a career in gaming or animation.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/16/15 9:25 am | #2364
Quote by IRiSH:
So nobody's played Rock Band 4 yet?

I'm holding out until there is a sale on the guitar bundle.
I've been reading up and it sounds like fun but less customizy than 3 so I'm not in a hurry.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/16/15 5:17 pm | #2365
Quote by IRiSH:
So nobody's played Rock Band 4 yet?

I canceled my preorder because of all these house shenanigans. When we close next month I'll start my unbridled spending again.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/16/15 5:19 pm | #2366
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Kat:
In my experience and from what knowledge I've gained from speaking to people I know in HR for various industries, in general attending an unaccredited school is throwing your money away... And it's a lot of money, they're for profit schools. They're a step away from diploma mills, and their degrees are looked at skeptically. YMMV, of course, but I'd take a state college's design program any day over "National Institute of Video Games and Awesome Careers."
Most community colleges/ tech schools are accredited and state funded...
Yes, what she said is absolutely correct. When I mentioned 'tech' schools earlier, I was actually talking about the 'for profit' schools. Thanks for the correction Kat.
Other classes you may want to look into are the 2D and 3D animation classes. If a comm college had those classes, they will give you a great start on the road to a career in gaming or animation.
Terterly. Plus they'll give you a chance to try it out for cheap before you're locked in! 
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/16/15 7:52 pm | #2367
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Yes, what she said is absolutely correct. When I mentioned 'tech' schools earlier, I was actually talking about the 'for profit' schools. Thanks for the correction Kat.
Other classes you may want to look into are the 2D and 3D animation classes. If a comm college had those classes, they will give you a great start on the road to a career in gaming or animation.
Terterly. Plus they'll give you a chance to try it out for cheap before you're locked in!

The Dean of the Digital Art department is going to be offering a storyboarding course starting Spring 2016.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/17/15 1:10 am | #2368
Quote by Meta:
Quote by IRiSH:
So nobody's played Rock Band 4 yet?

I'm holding out until there is a sale on the guitar bundle.
I've been reading up and it sounds like fun but less customizy than 3 so I'm not in a hurry.
I'm just thinking about getting the game with the adapter so I can just keep using my 2 Beatles replica guitars that are still in pristine condition but then I'm a little curious to see if the new ones have any design improvements.
Re: Random Gaming
10/17/15 6:47 pm | #2369
So...I'm playing through ac4 on the one...doing the 2nd present day mission (I had 14 computers hacked) then I went back to the animus to continue...I didn't hack any other computer and the achievement for it popped as I re-entered the animus...why?
Re: Random Gaming
10/20/15 5:03 pm | #2370
I just got the game WWE 2K14 today. In case anyone didn't know, the online servers for it close after October 31st, and there's two online achievements in it. So if anyone wants to boost, message me. I'll help anybody who needs help with them until the servers close.
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