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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
10/21/15 11:40 am | #2371
Are they easy or disqualified complicated?
Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/21/15 12:05 pm | #2372
Quote by Repo Man 360:
Are they easy or disqualified complicated?
Look pretty simple, just play in an xbox live match and win 10 ranked matches
Re: Random Gaming
10/21/15 12:15 pm | #2373
TrueAchievements guides say that it takes about 20 minutes for both people boosting to get both achievements. The only problem is that, even though the servers are still up, they're pretty glitchy. The servers, not the achievements.
Re: Random Gaming
10/22/15 5:13 am | #2374
thanks for all the advice and help on the schools.
now back actual gaming.
I have blag flag 360 and one, and i am willing to boost it.
also i just beat tales from the borderlands. There is a hidden item at the end if the game that cost a lot of money. The catch is if you don't have enough it doesn't tell the amount of the item or the item itself. Does any one know how much it is?
Re: Random Gaming
10/25/15 1:36 pm | #2375
Oh man, Dragon Age is sofa king much better on XB1.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/25/15 2:42 pm | #2376
Quote by Meta:
Oh man, Dragon Age is sofa king much better on XB1.
Wait, which?
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/25/15 4:26 pm | #2377
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Meta:
Oh man, Dragon Age is sofa king much better on XB1.
Wait, which?
Inquisition. The roommates finally got xboners so we did EA Access.
Re: Random Gaming
10/26/15 12:01 am | #2378
XBox One NAT type is strict yet I have the god damn ports forwarded so this shouldn't happen...I have to reset the router everytime this happens, is there a easier fix? XB1 is set up manually for IP and DNS.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/26/15 3:05 pm | #2379
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Kat:
Wait, which?
Inquisition. The roommates finally got xboners so we did EA Access.

Ah. I wasn't sure if they backwards compatibled the others. I loveeeee Inquisition.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/26/15 3:42 pm | #2380
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Meta:
Inquisition. The roommates finally got xboners so we did EA Access.

Ah. I wasn't sure if they backwards compatibled the others. I loveeeee Inquisition.
That game was damn impressive. I've just been waiting for the DLC to go on the cheap side. I'm sure this holiday season they'll list some great deals on Live.
Re: Random Gaming
10/29/15 4:01 pm | #2381
Does anyone know if the guitar hero world tour drums, have the double pedal option?
Also does anyone have guitar import codes, from the booklets? the games i got didn't come with them.
Re: Random Gaming
10/29/15 10:27 pm | #2382
Just started Sponge Bob Heropants. So far the previous installments of Sponge Bob were better.
Re: Random Gaming
11/02/15 8:49 am | #2383
I just couldn't bring myself to finish Heropants. 500 points and I had had enough. I do not recommend that game to anyone.
Re: Random Gaming
11/02/15 7:31 pm | #2384
That new snoopy game comes out tomorrow and it will be available through red box. Anyone trying it out? I would, but I have GOT to pack. We close at the end of the month, my parents will be here next week for a month, I have major assignments for every class all month long, and fallout comes out next week! So someone try it out and post a review or sommat, mmm-Kay?
Re: Random Gaming
11/11/15 3:47 pm | #2385
I just picked up Dead rising 3 Apocalypse edition, and i have to say its one of my favorite games for the xbox one.
I was wondering if anyone still played it and wanted to go after achievements or other stuff in the game?
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