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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/17/15 4:37 pm | #2176
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
It does. I was closing my gamefly account for the second time, because I didn't learn from the first time and I had that credit on there. I tried giving it to somebody and they said it didn't work because it wasn't associated with their account. I really don't understand how gamefly is still in business. Maybe they fixed their issues by now. When I did it, it took around two weeks to get a game. From the point I shipped it to the point I received another. Their on-hand quantity sucked hard. They were always out of the good titles and I would find myself settling on some crappy title.
Probably about to cancel mine again too. I've had the same 2 games for like 2 months because I'm always busy. I sent one back today and I'm gonna try to run through the 2nd tomorrow but still. I only use it so I don't have to actually go out and rent the shitty titles from a video store or something.
They still have video stores in Kentucky?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/17/15 4:38 pm | #2177
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Probably about to cancel mine again too. I've had the same 2 games for like 2 months because I'm always busy. I sent one back today and I'm gonna try to run through the 2nd tomorrow but still. I only use it so I don't have to actually go out and rent the shitty titles from a video store or something.
They still have video stores in Kentucky?
They have video stores ANYWHERE???? 
Re: Random Gaming
06/17/15 4:44 pm | #2178
I found with gamefly that if you write scan me on the envelope the send to receive and send out what ever is next on your q
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/18/15 1:14 am | #2179
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
They still have video stores in Kentucky?
They have video stores ANYWHERE????
WTF is a video store??? you can't physically buy a video lolz
I finally played Hydrophobia years after buying it on sale, and it's pretty great.
It's like Dead Space but with water and some light platforming. The character models are crappy but otherwise it's a surprisingly good & depthy Live Arcade title.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/18/15 4:13 am | #2180
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
They have video stores ANYWHERE????
WTF is a video store??? you can't physically buy a video lolz
I finally played
Hydrophobia years after buying it on sale, and it's pretty great.
It's like Dead Space but with water and some light platforming. The character models are crappy but otherwise it's a surprisingly good & depthy Live Arcade title.
I think it's a gas station. I've seen videos at some of them *coughGEORGIAcoughcough*
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/18/15 1:42 pm | #2181
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Meta:
WTF is a video store??? you can't physically buy a video lolz
I finally played Hydrophobia years after buying it on sale, and it's pretty great.
It's like Dead Space but with water and some light platforming. The character models are crappy but otherwise it's a surprisingly good & depthy Live Arcade title.
I think it's a gas station. I've seen videos at some of them *coughGEORGIAcoughcough*
Oh, well, that's a different case altogether. Georgia -mostly- is 20 years behind the times.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/18/15 5:52 pm | #2182
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
They still have video stores in Kentucky?
They have video stores ANYWHERE????
I live right across the street from one actually. Lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/18/15 6:04 pm | #2183
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
They have video stores ANYWHERE????
I live right across the street from one actually. Lol
In New Mexico we only have one video store left, Hastings. It's a pretty nice entertainment store. Hastings Website
Re: Random Gaming
06/18/15 9:10 pm | #2184
So my account glitched I got a $16 MS credit from GameStop to get the premium Elder Scrolls Online account or whatever. Bought it on my xb1. Have it downloaded and everything. I get on my 360 and it says I have $16 on my account to spend. Is this a thing that happens often?
Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/21/15 2:12 pm | #2185
Quote by Kimberly cx:
So my account glitched I got a $16 MS credit from GameStop to get the premium Elder Scrolls Online account or whatever. Bought it on my xb1. Have it downloaded and everything. I get on my 360 and it says I have $16 on my account to spend. Is this a thing that happens often?
Never seen it. Though, I'm not that lucky.
Re: Random Gaming
06/22/15 5:14 pm | #2186
Just got this message if anybody could use it by all means have it. Just comment on saying that you used the code.
Hey, it's me Fizzie! Thanks for playing Sunset Overdrive. Here's some in-game gear to show you our appreciation. Redeem on your console or at Xbox.com/redeemcode. Drink more Overcharge! 4V2VJ-G7QKF-2M3MM-PDYG3-VGPYZ
Re: Random Gaming
06/24/15 1:59 am | #2187
i believe this counts.
i am trying to find a Turtle beach that works for the PC, 360, and One. The X12 looks like it will work, but does it only pic up audio? Some say you can't use it has a mic on the one
Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/24/15 4:28 am | #2188
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
i believe this counts.
i am trying to find a Turtle beach that works for the PC, 360, and One. The X12 looks like it will work, but does it only pic up audio? Some say you can't use it has a mic on the one
Personally I wouldn't buy a Turtle Beach headset. I went through 3 Turtle Beach headsets in a year before a wised up and but a pair of Astro A40s, I have now had those same Astros for well over 3 years and they still work perfectly with no issues. They are a little expensive but well worth it over any other similar headset and you get a quality headset that won't break in 6 months.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/24/15 4:01 pm | #2189
Quote by Atrocity:
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
i believe this counts.
i am trying to find a Turtle beach that works for the PC, 360, and One. The X12 looks like it will work, but does it only pic up audio? Some say you can't use it has a mic on the one
Personally I wouldn't buy a Turtle Beach headset. I went through 3 Turtle Beach headsets in a year before a wised up and but a pair of Astro A40s, I have now had those same Astros for well over 3 years and they still work perfectly with no issues. They are a little expensive but well worth it over any other similar headset and you get a quality headset that won't break in 6 months.
Really? That sucks- my son has had a pair of TBs for a few years and they work great, but the cords are driving us crazy. It looks terrible. Plus they pick up EVERY SOUND IN THE HOUSE and broadcast it to his party. Not cool.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/24/15 4:25 pm | #2190
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Atrocity:
Personally I wouldn't buy a Turtle Beach headset. I went through 3 Turtle Beach headsets in a year before a wised up and but a pair of Astro A40s, I have now had those same Astros for well over 3 years and they still work perfectly with no issues. They are a little expensive but well worth it over any other similar headset and you get a quality headset that won't break in 6 months.
Really? That sucks- my son has had a pair of TBs for a few years and they work great, but the cords are driving us crazy. It looks terrible. Plus they pick up EVERY SOUND IN THE HOUSE and broadcast it to his party. Not cool.
Astros are totally worth the investment, I used to have the x12s and the XP500 and they were ok, I took a chance on Astro and their price tag and haven't looked back ever since I got my a50s. They work great with my Xbox One, PC, and PS4
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