Random Gaming
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10. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
9. Alien Isolation
8. Assassin's Creed Unity
7. Mario Kart 8
6. Divinity Original Sin
5. Far Cry 4
4. Super Smash Bros Wii U
3. Watch Dogs
2. Destiny
1. Dragon Age Inquisition
10. Wolfenstein the new order
9. Lords of the Fallen
8. Alien: Isolation
7. Sunset Overdrive
6. Far Cry 4
5. Shadow of Mordor
4. Rogue Legacy
3. The Last of Us: Remasted
2. Dragon Age: Inquistion
1. titanfall
I still haven't beat 4 of these games, nor have I beat AC: Unity or even touched evil within.
(Dragon Age Inquisition)
So FYI if you get an X next to him after the mid-point, you have to go into the barn & click on his stupid horse caving, then you can get him back into the group. I thought he left for good, when I did his stupid warden quests, and tried getting approval from everyone. He's not gone for good, unless you don't click on the horse. Had to google it because if he did suddenly leave for no good reason, would've annoyed me (he had all purple gear too)
Just completed my 1st Dragon Age Inquisition playthrough.
Guess I'll start the 2nd one, to do the nightmare achievement (I was on hardcore mode in the 1st)

Quote by Kimberly cx:
You are wrong. The first one was the best one. Every other one has been ass.
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I disagree. The original had a better cast. Lilith is easily my favorite playable character to be released out of all three games. You also need to consider how unique it was for the time period. Lot's of subsequent games copy it for a reason.
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