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Archived: Fallout 4
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Fallout 4
02/13/16 8:16 am | #121
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by IRiSH:
Yesterday, Thursday.
Did they patch the materials duplication glitch?
I don't even know how to do it yet but I have been wondering the same thing.... 
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fallout 4
02/14/16 12:09 am | #122
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Did they patch the materials duplication glitch?
I don't even know how to do it yet but I have been wondering the same thing....
No they didn't. I was just doing it today with my new character.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fallout 4
02/14/16 2:34 am | #123
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I don't even know how to do it yet but I have been wondering the same thing....
No they didn't. I was just doing it today with my new character.
Nice. I hope everyone takes advantage of it before they do, that way they are ready for the dlc.
Re: Fallout 4
02/15/16 9:46 am | #124
I used Dogmeat to get the Cryolator when I was a level 3 - yeah, it's nice.
Re: Fallout 4
02/17/16 12:39 am | #125
Alright, how the F do I assign a person to a job? Everytime I have tried, I pick up the object I am trying to assign this person to. WTF?????
Re: Re: Fallout 4
02/17/16 8:01 am | #126
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Alright, how the F do I assign a person to a job? Everytime I have tried, I pick up the object I am trying to assign this person to. WTF?????
Go into editing mode, highlight a person, press A, and then highlight what you want them to do and press A on it. If it's not working then life just sucks and you should give up.
Also buy the Season Pass before March 1 or you'll have to pay an extra $20 for it
Re: Re: Re: Fallout 4
02/17/16 7:10 pm | #127
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Alright, how the F do I assign a person to a job? Everytime I have tried, I pick up the object I am trying to assign this person to. WTF?????
Go into editing mode, highlight a person, press A, and then highlight what you want them to do and press A on it. If it's not working then life just sucks and you should give up.
Also buy the Season Pass before March 1 or you'll have to pay an extra $20 for it
Also pay close attention to what it says in the bottom portion of the screen. Wait till the shop or crop says assigned or something like that. Also a great piece of advice I can give you starting out that will help you with the 100% settlement achievement, start changing your NPC's clothes when you assign them jobs. I used this method and gave everyone working in my shops a suit and for those working the fields of crops, they got funny hats. Doing that I was sure that everyone had a job or duty to do and my happiness raised up.
Re: Fallout 4
02/27/16 3:58 pm | #128
My 14 year old son has picked up Fallout 4. I showed him how to scrap items and build shelters then I showed him some of the building Irish made. Well, he's decided this game is a lot more fun than Halo's forge.
Re: Re: Fallout 4
02/27/16 11:59 pm | #129
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
My 14 year old son has picked up Fallout 4. I showed him how to scrap items and build shelters then I showed him some of the building Irish made. Well, he's decided this game is a lot more fun than Halo's forge.
Glad I could help inspire a young mind. Here's the last two builds I did with my first character. I didn't rrealize until late in the game that you could build on the raised highway at Graygarden. I knew you could at Finch Farm, as I believe I already shared that one.
I turned Graygarden into s beer garden.

My Choo Choo Chaboogie Bar & Lounge at Oberland Station. 
I got sucked into the Minutemen quests and did so much building with my first character so I decided to only do a couple big builds with my second character. I've ran all the way thru the main quest and sided with the Institute but still haven't gone back to Sanctuary after that initial quest where you help Preston and them in Lexington. Maybe I'll finally head back.
Re: Fallout 4
02/28/16 2:18 am | #130
He discovered that he can modify his weapons, so guess what he's been doing for the last HOUR...
Re: Fallout 4
03/14/16 3:42 am | #131
So, I finally got around to checking out Diamond City. Well, it's Fenway Park. I had no idea. Just for the heck of it I went and found the seats I was sitting in the night I found out Elvis died.
Re: Re: Fallout 4
03/15/16 5:44 am | #132
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
So, I finally got around to checking out Diamond City. Well, it's Fenway Park. I had no idea. Just for the heck of it I went and found the seats I was sitting in the night I found out Elvis died.
Elvis Presley, or Elvis the alien from Perfect Dark??
Re: Re: Re: Fallout 4
03/15/16 9:15 am | #133
Quote by Dvader83:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
So, I finally got around to checking out Diamond City. Well, it's Fenway Park. I had no idea. Just for the heck of it I went and found the seats I was sitting in the night I found out Elvis died.
Elvis Presley, or Elvis the alien from Perfect Dark??
Elvis Presley - it was 1977. I was a few weeks away from my 10th birthday.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fallout 4
03/15/16 11:50 am | #134
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Dvader83:
Elvis Presley, or Elvis the alien from Perfect Dark??
Elvis Presley - it was 1977. I was a few weeks away from my 10th birthday.
I was a few years away from being born!! We were all somewhere that night!
Re: Re: Fallout 4
03/15/16 5:09 pm | #135
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
He discovered that he can modify his weapons, so guess what he's been doing for the last HOUR...
Fighting Radscorpions?
Quote by Kat:
I was a few eons away from being spawned!!
Fixed that for ya.
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