Archived: Borderlands 2
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Re: Borderlands 2
09/21/12 3:38 pm | #152
The roommates and I just started the campaign last night. I'm a Gunzerker, roomie A is the Commando and roomie B is the Siren for now cause he's waiting for the Mechromancer.
I really like all the small changes/improvements, and the story and characters are already way better than 1 even though we're only like 6 hours in.
My only complaint is that the audio mixing is very weird this time around--my gun shots and reloading sounds are oddly distant and muffled, and the character callouts are faint, yet NPC dialogue (like claptrap and handsome jack) are way too loud. Also certain sound effects, like footsteps, are louder than they should be while other players' gunfire is too quiet. It's pretty odd.
But yeah it's already awesome and I am looking forward to wasting another hundred whatever hours on Pandora.
I really like all the small changes/improvements, and the story and characters are already way better than 1 even though we're only like 6 hours in.
My only complaint is that the audio mixing is very weird this time around--my gun shots and reloading sounds are oddly distant and muffled, and the character callouts are faint, yet NPC dialogue (like claptrap and handsome jack) are way too loud. Also certain sound effects, like footsteps, are louder than they should be while other players' gunfire is too quiet. It's pretty odd.
But yeah it's already awesome and I am looking forward to wasting another hundred whatever hours on Pandora.

Re: Borderlands 2
09/21/12 11:08 pm | #153
I caught Duffman fapping in the dook hut earlier while playing

Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/21/12 11:30 pm | #154
Quote by Circus:
I caught Duffman fapping in the dook hut earlier while playing 

Where do you guys see this shit? I love watching fapping
Re: Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/21/12 11:34 pm | #155
Quote by Irish patriot x:
Quote by Circus:
I caught Duffman fapping in the dook hut earlier while playing 

Where do you guys see this shit? I love watching fapping

Re: Borderlands 2
09/21/12 11:44 pm | #156
I'm not loving the visuals, but it might just be playing split screen...
Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/22/12 12:20 am | #157
Quote by Circus:
I caught Duffman fapping in the dook hut earlier while playing 

It was my dook hut and I'll fap in it if I want to.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/22/12 1:35 am | #158
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by CannibalX88:
I 1750'd Borderlands 1 as well, but am not getting a third key. Any ideas?
well i got my first gold key instantly because of pre-order
my second came as soon as i linked my shift account
and the third (the one that I assume is from BL1 1750) just randomly popped up 2 days after the game came out so it might just take some time to register
ok thanks. yea I have the first two. I think wed was the only night I've played so it probably just hadn't updated yet.
Re: Borderlands 2
09/22/12 2:13 am | #159
I went to that site and it says I can't add my Xbox Live profile from that site at this time. I guess I'll just keep checking back. No big deal, really. I have only found one of those chests that needs the keys anyway.
Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/22/12 2:25 am | #160
Quote by Mercury Ice:
I went to that site and it says I can't add my Xbox Live profile from that site at this time. I guess I'll just keep checking back. No big deal, really. I have only found one of those chests that needs the keys anyway.
on the main menu of the game, select extras i think, then select codes, they let you sign up from your 360 then you confirm it through your email, they give you a gold key after you sign up on your xbox,i did this yesterday.
Re: Borderlands 2
09/22/12 5:15 am | #162
Thanks for the info, guys.

Re: Borderlands 2
09/22/12 11:27 pm | #163
Well, I have the achievement for beating the game after doing absolutely nothing for 2 hours since I was too low a level to be any help, now to actually do the bulk 15 hours of middle game

Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/23/12 12:07 am | #164
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by X:
on the main menu of the game, select extras i think, then select codes, they let you sign up from your 360 then you confirm it through your email, they give you a gold key after you sign up on your xbox,i did this yesterday.
X is right.....for some reason you can't link your account on the website must be a problem with gearbox or sum shit but you can register the way X said above.
Also the reason you've only found 1 gold chest is because there is only 1 & it can be opened numerous times.
I registered through the game earlier and it worked out well. Got my gold key. I am planning on holding on to for a while longer till I level up a lot more, in hopes of getting a beast of a weapon.
Re: Borderlands 2
09/23/12 12:12 am | #165
I didn't realize what room I was in and wasted a fucking gold key at level 9, then tried to kill the console soon as it happened. Lost the key and two purple pistols. I was pretty damn mad. Hopefully they'll have opportunities to get more soon.
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