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Archived: Borderlands 2
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Re: Borderlands 2
09/24/12 5:35 pm | #196
Borderlands 2 SHiFT code with 10k redemptions for a Golden Key: 5JKJ3-6TWSJ-BRXBX-K6JJJ-FXXWB
Go to Main Menu then Extras and to Shift Code.
You must be a Shift user.
NOT in redeem code for the DLC section.
Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/24/12 6:18 pm | #197
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Borderlands 2 SHiFT code with 10k redemptions for a Golden Key: 5JKJ3-6TWSJ-BRXBX-K6JJJ-FXXWB
Go to Main Menu then Extras and to Shift Code.
You must be a Shift user.
NOT in redeem code for the DLC section.
Worked perfect, thanks!!!
Re: Borderlands 2
09/24/12 7:14 pm | #199
just finished the main storyline, WOW GREAT END TO A GREAT GAME! im going to start the true vault hunter mode in a bit to see what it offers, damn the end was badass, i can't wait till BL3 comes out.
Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/24/12 7:23 pm | #200
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Borderlands 2 SHiFT code with 10k redemptions for a Golden Key: 5JKJ3-6TWSJ-BRXBX-K6JJJ-FXXWB
Go to Main Menu then Extras and to Shift Code.
You must be a Shift user.
NOT in redeem code for the DLC section.
Too bad I cant get one because I can't confirm my shift account through my email....
Re: Borderlands 2
09/24/12 7:34 pm | #201
anyone want to try the you will die (seriously) mission sometime in the next few days?
im not looking to jump right into it so if like 2 or 3 other players want to jump in on this insane mission that would be great,im thinking of switching the game to true vault hunter mode before hand so it could get rather tough,just let me know by posting here or shouting me.
*edit-damn snapple if i knew you were at like lvl 20 i would have saved some mid level stuff
,sorry most of it was like level 30+, you kinda helped me clear out my bank man
Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 1:57 am | #202
Stuck again. Time to do some side missions and level up. I am loving this game so much so far!
Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 3:15 am | #203
Quote by X:
anyone want to try the you will die (seriously) mission sometime in the next few days?
im not looking to jump right into it so if like 2 or 3 other players want to jump in on this insane mission that would be great,im thinking of switching the game to true vault hunter mode before hand so it could get rather tough,just let me know by posting here or shouting me.
*edit-damn snapple if i knew you were at like lvl 20 i would have saved some mid level stuff

,sorry most of it was like level 30+, you kinda helped me clear out my bank man

You do realize you have to finish the story again in true vault hunter mode to play that mission in that mode right? I'm down to do it on regular though. I'm currently a lvl 41 Gunzerker, but should be close to 50 soon if I keep playing 10 hours a day...
Re: Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 5:52 am | #204
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by X:
anyone want to try the you will die (seriously) mission sometime in the next few days?
im not looking to jump right into it so if like 2 or 3 other players want to jump in on this insane mission that would be great,im thinking of switching the game to true vault hunter mode before hand so it could get rather tough,just let me know by posting here or shouting me.
*edit-damn snapple if i knew you were at like lvl 20 i would have saved some mid level stuff

,sorry most of it was like level 30+, you kinda helped me clear out my bank man

You do realize you have to finish the story again in true vault hunter mode to play that mission in that mode right? I'm down to do it on regular though. I'm currently a lvl 41 Gunzerker, but should be close to 50 soon if I keep playing 10 hours a day...
,i guess it's going to be a while then, i just started "my first shield" on TVHM so im guessing a week or so but i will post again then,also the loot in TVHM is sick, even the avg guns are killer, i too have been grinding out 10 hour days on BL2q and to be honest im getting kinda burned out,even tired the damn game still pulls me in the new mode is crazy,the bandits have as much of a chance to kill you as the bosses on the other mode.
Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 8:14 am | #205
This game is so amazing. Can't wait to try the mechromancer whenever they decide to release that
Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 9:53 am | #206
Just wanted to thank beaverhunter for finding jimmyjenkins, and I aslo wanna apologize for being a ninja and swiping his kill. I completed the jenkins challenge, but no achieve.
Reason being is there is a hidden shotgun challenge. You have to max out the point blank kills with the shotgun which is 750 kills as close as possible to an enemy, and then you unlock sniper shotgun, which you gotta get 10 kills with a shotty at long range.
Imma grind out those kills later today.
If you need help with the purple stuff, find me online and join my game and be patient lol.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 10:48 am | #207
Quote by X:
Quote by BeaverHunter:
You do realize you have to finish the story again in true vault hunter mode to play that mission in that mode right? I'm down to do it on regular though. I'm currently a lvl 41 Gunzerker, but should be close to 50 soon if I keep playing 10 hours a day...

,i guess it's going to be a while then, i just started "my first shield" on TVHM so im guessing a week or so but i will post again then,also the loot in TVHM is sick, even the avg guns are killer, i too have been grinding out 10 hour days on BL2q and to be honest im getting kinda burned out,even tired the damn game still pulls me in the new mode is crazy,the bandits have as much of a chance to kill you as the bosses on the other mode.
I still need to kill Jenkins.
Re: Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 11:43 am | #208
Quote by Ashley:
This game is so amazing. Can't wait to try the mechromancer whenever they decide to release that
they already have....october 16th
they also did a Q&A with randy pitchford and he hinted at the direction of the first dlc as well as status of future dlc's...went on to say in article if mecromancer is a big success may get extra characters at a later date but those characters and not included in the season pass as season pass is only for storyline dlc
here's link for that interview
Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 12:50 pm | #209
the TVHM is pretty tough,almost anything can kill you except for those damn flying bats,i used my last gold key and got another purple class mod for my commando,not to happy it wasn't a weapon.
has anyone used the gold key mod? if so can it be done online with a partner that doesn't have one?
oh and as my late sig states im only 60+ hours away from being the top player on borderlands 2 (not like that's gonna happen but maybe)
Re: Borderlands 2
09/25/12 2:06 pm | #210
I had a blast with my first dip last night even though I was rusty as fuck. I gotta kick out of the opening cinematic. I really dig that song by The Heavy, Short Change Hero. Coincidentally, it's also the theme song for a new favorite series of mine, Strike Back, Cinemax's original series about a terrorist strike team. Much thanks to Meta for hooking me up with some start-up cash. Now that's trickle down economics! He musta thought I was drunk or retarded as it took me a couple minutes to figure out how to accept a trade.
He also saved my ass a bunch of times as I kept getting downed.
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