Quote by theevol1:
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
I think it is just sad that all these people are getting divorced. I'm not trying to be mean, but I think the only reason people get divorced is if they rush the marriage, or are too lazy to work out the problems. Now I have never been married (obviously...), so I really can't relate, but for some of you on your second divorce, wouldn't you see from the first time what your mistake is/was? Like I said, not trying to be mean, but it has to be rushing or laziness.
I say this because my parents have been married for 17 years, and they've had tons of problems. But both were so commited to each other that they took the time and effort to work out their problems, and we're all one happy family. Also on my other point, they dated for 6 years, so they sure as hell didn't rush it.
My two cents.
Yes, I am quoting you as well, Regi.
All that I can say about what you wrote is that you really showed your age here. (you are 7 right?) What you have done is came into a thread made specifically to help ease some of the suffering of people affected by divorce, with no knowledge of divorce whatsoever, and little to no world experience. Armed with nothing, you have managed to trivialize and generalize something that can turn someone's world around at best, or bring it crashing down around them in most cases.
Your "two cents" should NEVER have been posted here.
As You said, he is 7. I understand what he said may have pissed you all off, but as Malice said he was respectful, his post was laced with as much respect as you can expect from a 7 year old online.
And as for his "Two Cents", he just told you what he thinks, I think you are all in your place to Disagree with him, and its good to tell him that Divorce isnt as plain and simple as he thinks, but can we not be so hostile?
I mean the kid did approach it as safely as one could, and he is most definitely not trying to offend anyone, so don't turn guns on him. Just dont want this to turn into a flaming issue becasue that is exactly what this post does not want.(See first Thread)
@Monstr: In the future, you are always entitled to you opinion, but be careful voicing it on very sensitive topics with people you are not close wit, its very easy to offend, especially if they just read it, they have no idea of your tones etc.
Be Easy.