Sticky: Rate the last game you played
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Re: Rate the last game you played
01/23/10 7:17 am | #211
Batman AA 7out of 10 the killer croc battle was lame and their was hardly any of his real enemies in it.

Re: Rate the last game you played
01/23/10 8:07 am | #212
Hexic 2-7/10
Not as good as the first one, for sure, but the same general idea.
Not as good as the first one, for sure, but the same general idea.
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
01/23/10 8:56 am | #213
Quote by ollzz:
Call of duty mw2
10/10 HA
10/10 HA

I agree 10/10
ac2 10/10
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/23/10 10:23 am | #214
Call of Duty 4
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/23/10 11:00 am | #216
Need for Speed: SHIFT
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/23/10 11:49 am | #217
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard 7/10 cause some parts suck.
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/23/10 1:31 pm | #218
Leisure Suit Larry
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
02/04/10 8:26 pm | #220
Quote by Four Channel:
Last game I played was Army of Two: TFD, completed it on contractor mode which wasn't that bad, I give it a 9/10.
you play through it with an AI partner? and is he retarted on contracter mode like he is on the first one? i have the game but i started with a friend and he has been busy so im debating starting over with AI buddy. just wanna know if he's retarted or not.
Edit: and how did you get that cool scrolling thing in your sig.
Re: Rate the last game you played
02/04/10 8:28 pm | #221
Peggle 10/10. I love Peggle, but I'm getting pretty tired of trying to to beat this damn challenge mode. Only 2 left, beat 10 random levels in a row and beat 6 random levels in a row. Ugh...
Re: Rate the last game you played
02/04/10 8:35 pm | #222
Mass Effect 2
It is one of my favorite games of all time in my opinion. I just love the whole ME universe and how its displayed.
It is one of my favorite games of all time in my opinion. I just love the whole ME universe and how its displayed.
Re: Rate the last game you played
02/05/10 7:44 am | #223
Godfather 2 9/10
This game is soooo much fun! It gets hated on and called a "GTA clone" It's not, It's a sandbox type game meets the board game risk. Its awesome! Worth buying, I like it more than gta4!
This game is soooo much fun! It gets hated on and called a "GTA clone" It's not, It's a sandbox type game meets the board game risk. Its awesome! Worth buying, I like it more than gta4!
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
02/05/10 7:55 am | #224
Quote by CHASE1494:
Godfather 2 9/10
This game is soooo much fun! It gets hated on and called a "GTA clone" It's not, It's a sandbox type game meets the board game risk. Its awesome! Worth buying, I like it more than gta4!
This game is soooo much fun! It gets hated on and called a "GTA clone" It's not, It's a sandbox type game meets the board game risk. Its awesome! Worth buying, I like it more than gta4!
I agree but like the story more in GTA
Re: Rate the last game you played
02/06/10 1:49 am | #225
Assassin's Creed 2: 9/10 - Amazing game

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