Quote by theevol1:
The thing about X-play making a game of the year, is that I'm sure that replay value is not really high on their list as they have to play SO many games. I'm sure that in their short term hands on experience with the game, it seems that it has tons of replay value when in fact it doesn't.
I'm not trying to be an asshole, and this is not meant as an insult, but how old are you? I am guessing about 16. If I'm wrong, then I apologize. It's just that I am an old school gamer. I remember playing great games that were solved in an afternoon. These games had NO replay value whatsoever, but we beat them over and over and we had a blast!
Replay value is nice, don't get me wrong, but if a game can pack a great experience into a short amount of time, I will take that any day!
To each their own, and once again I wasn't insulting you or anything, and I hope you don't take it that way.
dude it's just like me with too human. i loved it and the majority of people thought it was just, ok. like you said to each is own, whatever floats your boat, sinks your ship,.....to me GOTY should be the top selling game first, and also have the "wow" factor. problem is not everyone is going to say"wow" over the same thing, including those who are voting on GOTY.
I am finding it extremely difficult to convey this message to you when all i see is the Ultimate Warrior saying "stomp my balls" over and over. i'm practically breaking a rib from laughing every time i see it. so this award goes to you evol, SOTY (sig of the year). you won again sir.