Archived: Fable 2: X-Play's Game of the Year?
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Re: Fable 2: X-Play's Game of the Year?
12/14/08 12:32 pm | #61
I play left4dead a few hours everyday and it never gets old. You can play it on EASY mode to waffle achievements. You can ramp up the difficulty for the seriously best zombie killing co-op game ever made. Expert mode is like the zombie apocalypse.... and the best is you can play online versus modes where you get to be the zombies or the survivors. A flawless first game for a series in my opinion, I'm sure L4D2 will be even better.
Re: Fable 2: X-Play's Game of the Year?
12/14/08 12:36 pm | #62
Quote by Shockwave22:
Adam Sessler was stoned??

Re: Fable 2: X-Play's Game of the Year?
12/14/08 12:58 pm | #63
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
I play left4dead a few hours everyday and it never gets old. You can play it on EASY mode to waffle achievements. You can ramp up the difficulty for the seriously best zombie killing co-op game ever made. Expert mode is like the zombie apocalypse.... and the best is you can play online versus modes where you get to be the zombies or the survivors. A flawless first game for a series in my opinion, I'm sure L4D2 will be even better.
r2dr's cousin possibly?
maybe a long lost brother/sister :o
i want l4d...tryna get it for christmas

Re: Fable 2: X-Play's Game of the Year?
12/14/08 3:11 pm | #64
L4D2 = Left4Dead 2, not even sure if it's announced yet but if they make it I hope it includes some way to make custom characters rather than the 4 pre-set ones. Though the character BILL is pure awesome.