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Articles Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Preview: Take some peaks at Tom Clancy's EndWar zoboa02,591

10/02/08 8:11 pm
by zoboa

Interview: Inside The Nexus #6 zoboa103,596

10/01/08 1:34 am
by Repo Man 360

Article: Hands-on: NyKo's 360 Charge Station HochulisPythons33,213

10/01/08 12:44 am
by Shockwave

Interview: September Community Spotlight: TK Chillin Hektic Juggalo204,997

09/27/08 6:51 am
by CrooklynMayo

Interview: NHL 2K9 Producer Interview zoboa23,398

09/14/08 12:11 pm
by Taco

Game Review: Too Human - Too Hyped? Hektic Juggalo235,142

09/10/08 1:17 pm
by Nemesis Mask

Interview: Inside The Nexus #5 zoboa43,324

09/09/08 5:53 pm
by mellowdaddee

Interview: August Community Spotlight: da1337nesMonstr Hektic Juggalo295,327

09/03/08 2:20 pm
by Raine

Interview: Inside The Nexus #4 zoboa43,528

08/29/08 5:03 pm
by zoboa

Game Review: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith zoboa73,686

08/28/08 12:06 pm
by mellowdaddee

Preview: Midnight Club: Los Angeles Information Overload! zoboa310,441

08/27/08 7:01 am
by buffalo


08/27/08 5:44 am
by zoboa

Preview: Resident Evil Invades Germany! zoboa53,075

08/24/08 9:25 pm
by Nemesis Mask

Article: Capcom challenges gamers with a near-impossible achievement list. HochulisPythons265,476

08/21/08 11:09 am
by mellowdaddee

Preview: Meet the Mega Man 9 bosses and new screens zoboa33,292

08/21/08 11:07 am
by mellowdaddee

Preview: NHL and NBA 2K previews zoboa13,003

08/15/08 2:34 pm
by BigZuDaddy

Game Review: Grand Theft Auto IV: Liberty City's Finest HochulisPythons205,329

08/12/08 6:16 pm
by Random

Interview: Inside The Nexus Show #3 zoboa73,538

08/12/08 1:44 am
by Greg

Game Review: Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm zoboa126,114

08/11/08 12:28 pm
by Ralph The Rogue

Article: E3 2008: Rock Band 2 HochulisPythons22,917

08/10/08 7:16 pm
by Nemesis Mask

Interview: Inside The Nexus Show #2 zoboa33,865

08/04/08 6:32 pm
by TK Chillin

Preview: New Facebreaker screens zoboa03,491

07/31/08 6:04 pm
by zoboa

Interview: Inside the Nexus v2 - Week of July 28th zoboa62,882

07/30/08 1:52 pm
by Illuminatus Obscurus

Article: E3 2008: Silent Hill Homecoming HochulisPythons13,101

07/29/08 4:52 am
by buffalo

Article: E3 2008: Battle Stations Pacific HochulisPythons03,135

07/29/08 1:42 am
by HochulisPythons