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Archived: Article Discussion: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
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Re: Re: The Witcher 2
04/13/12 2:21 pm | #31
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Well I received my gameinformer today and they reviewed the Witcher 2. They gave it a 9.5/10 and they also said that "This is the most deserving M rating I've ever personally played through." So yeah there's also that lol
The current staff of GI are a bunch of overly-sensitive dandies with acute fears of vaginas, female nipples, and/or anything else that doesn't slide easily into their hip, new, metrosexual, politically-correct universe.
Meagan Marie and Annette Gonzales were two of their best writers and reviewers and they were quickly swiped up by more benevolent and deserving companies which is great except it leaves GI with a bunch of douchenozzle asshats and then Kato who is a brilliant editor.
Whoa I got way off-topic. What I meant to say was that I am surprised the GI reviewer was able to appreciate the game's strengths despite having to confront their apparent fear of sexuality. Video games have always had mega-buff muscle dudes and grotesquely exaggerated, buxom chicks but for some reason the GI staff are very quick to take issue with overt female sexuality, as in DoA Extreme Beach Volleyball.
But yeah the review just makes a good thing sound better! Boy oh boy I can't wait to play this bad boy.
Re: The Witcher 2
04/13/12 6:03 pm | #33
Isn't the witcher review a page after the 10/10 me3 review, or was that a different publication?
Re: The Witcher 2
04/15/12 10:31 am | #35
I was wondering what the combat system is like in the witcher 2? I was looking at pre-ordering it but I wanted to make sure it wasn't turn based or anything like that. I can't stand turn based combat and that would be a deal breaker for me.
Re: The Witcher 2
04/15/12 11:47 am | #36
Should get my copy Monday, I'm excited! A friend of mine who is also reviewing it got his yesterday... Sooooo jealous!!!!
Re: The Witcher 2
04/16/12 2:50 pm | #38
Good I'm glad it's not like skyrim battle wise. I love skyrim but I just don't like the fighting
Re: The Witcher 2
04/16/12 4:00 pm | #39
I'm a couple of hours into it, and it's not turned based or like Skyrim. It's a huge change for me, after playing games with simple combat like Skyrim or KoA. This is going to take some getting used to.
Re: The Witcher 2
04/16/12 5:03 pm | #40
I wish I had it already lol
Re: The Witcher 2
04/17/12 6:09 pm | #42
Hell, I got this game and I haven't even been able to play the damn thing. I bought it, took it right out of the box and popped it in my 360, and the damn thing keeps on freezing.
Re: The Witcher 2
04/17/12 6:23 pm | #43
Have you tried installing it? Mine hasn't frozen, but there are frame rate issues... I'm wondering if installing it would fix it.
Re: The Witcher 2
04/17/12 6:32 pm | #44
After 36 different reviews Witcher 2 is averaging a staggering 9/10 on metacritic. Looks like they are breaking the PC-360 port curse that games like Risen suffered from.
Re: Re: The Witcher 2
04/17/12 6:38 pm | #45
Quote by Kat:
Have you tried installing it? Mine hasn't frozen, but there are frame rate issues... I'm wondering if installing it would fix it.
You know I did not think of that for whatever reason. But as soon as you suggested it, I went to try and do it. But now it doesn't even show the picture for the game where it says PLAY GAME and now it won't even give me the option to install it.
It's getting very aggravating. It takes forever to get off of the loading screen. When I do try and play it, it asks me to download the update. I do. Then it just stays on a black screen and eventually (more or less 2-3 minutes after I hit the guide button) the xbox guide will pop up and the background looks all pixilated.
Think my 360 can be giving out? It's the xbox 360 slim 250gb I bought when they first came out a couple of years ago, so...idk. I just know I am getting very pissy.
EDIT: scratch the part about my 360 going out. I popped in Saints Row The Third and it worked perfectly. Maybe I got a shitty copy or something?
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