Archived: Article Discussion: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
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Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/01/12 9:55 am | #106
I agree, so far this is definitely GOTY. If kingdoms of amalur had all been written the way the dlc was, maybe it would be different, but it's not.

Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/01/12 11:45 am | #107
I'm hoping Dragons Dogma is at least half as good as this. That would be a epic win for RPG fans.
Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/01/12 1:12 pm | #108
Very nice review; I'm waiting until after my vacation to crack this bad boy open, but its definitely jumping to the top of my backlog. All of the complaints you have brought up I've seen mentioned in other reviews; a lot of the issues seem like they could be attributed to the fact that its being ported from the PC. I can understand that, and at the same time the port was what, a year in development? Seems like they had some time to iron out the issues.
Hopefully if/when a Witcher 3 is decided upon, they will create it from the ground up on the console: I think that will solve all of the complaints many people have had. I'm just very glad this made it to the console at all; now if the devs are listening, please make the original Witcher a Games On Demand game a la Crysis!
Hopefully if/when a Witcher 3 is decided upon, they will create it from the ground up on the console: I think that will solve all of the complaints many people have had. I'm just very glad this made it to the console at all; now if the devs are listening, please make the original Witcher a Games On Demand game a la Crysis!
Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/01/12 2:28 pm | #109
This review was excellent, Kat.
I am 12 hours in to my first playthrough so far and I agree with everything you said. Also, I didn't know that about casting a sign will automagically pull out the correct sword--awesome tip!
I also found the journal/quest info text really great. I didn't bother to read it until a few hours in because I got stuck, but from then on I have been reading it regularly just to get the third-person perspective of what I've been doing.
And yes, frequent manual saves are a definite necessity here to anyone about to try the game.
It does suck that the bugs and glitches are there; this game definitely looks and feels like a PC port. This is absolutely one of those times where the quality of the content & experience far outweighs the negatives.
I am 12 hours in to my first playthrough so far and I agree with everything you said. Also, I didn't know that about casting a sign will automagically pull out the correct sword--awesome tip!
I also found the journal/quest info text really great. I didn't bother to read it until a few hours in because I got stuck, but from then on I have been reading it regularly just to get the third-person perspective of what I've been doing.
And yes, frequent manual saves are a definite necessity here to anyone about to try the game.
It does suck that the bugs and glitches are there; this game definitely looks and feels like a PC port. This is absolutely one of those times where the quality of the content & experience far outweighs the negatives.
Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/01/12 11:48 pm | #111
Yeah, there are a few issues that need some more thought with the merging, but the end goal is to have the review and the official discussion thread to be the same thread. Sorry for the confusion, I guess it could have been titled: "The Witcher 2 Official Review and Discussion Thread" but that is kind of dry. We're open to suggestions, but until we come up with a better solution, just assume new reviews will also be discussion threads.

Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/02/12 12:00 am | #112
man i just beat act 2, the story is really picking up. it's crazy how the game has 16 different endings though lol.
Re: Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/02/12 7:57 am | #113
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
I was wondering, does anyone know if the Witcher 2 story is official canon with the books? Or how does the story relate to the story of the books, if it does at all. I started reading one of the Witcher books and I was just curious if the Witcher 2 story is consider official canon.
Also, I was just wondering was is necessary to totally change the title of this thread? I understand the whole merging thing and all. But I had to do a double take to make sure this was the discussion thread and considering how merging is a new thing I just assumed at first it was just about the review considering the fact that the title seems to me to just be talking about the review, just an observation.
Also, I was just wondering was is necessary to totally change the title of this thread? I understand the whole merging thing and all. But I had to do a double take to make sure this was the discussion thread and considering how merging is a new thing I just assumed at first it was just about the review considering the fact that the title seems to me to just be talking about the review, just an observation.
From what I have read around the web, the game is based pretty much entirely on one of the books. I haven't read any of them, and I believe only 2 out of the 5 were actually translated to English, although they are working on translating the rest.
I also rather like the title change; otherwise we are just left with tons upon tons of *Game Name* Official Discussion Thread. IMO, any discussion about a game should be done in a review thread, provided there is a review of the game available. It keeps things grouped together nicely, and if you've seen my game shelf, you know just how bad my OCD is.
Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/02/12 8:29 am | #114
Hektic has CDO. It's like OCD, but all the letters are in order... Like they should be. 
Haha, someone I don't know wrote me about my review and said I need to learn to use the controller better, because the combat is the best part of the game. He's probably right- I'm so used to playing games where the combat is fluid & responsive, and the controller is mapped well, this game was quite a challenge to adjust to.
But seriously, random dude and anyone else with the same opinion, I never said combat was DIFFICULT, I said it is a challenge to get used to. By the end, the only thing tough about the battles is fighting the controls to get it to react to the buttons you hit. I know the difference by now between user error, faulty controller, and something that did not receive a lot of attention in the porting process.

Haha, someone I don't know wrote me about my review and said I need to learn to use the controller better, because the combat is the best part of the game. He's probably right- I'm so used to playing games where the combat is fluid & responsive, and the controller is mapped well, this game was quite a challenge to adjust to.
But seriously, random dude and anyone else with the same opinion, I never said combat was DIFFICULT, I said it is a challenge to get used to. By the end, the only thing tough about the battles is fighting the controls to get it to react to the buttons you hit. I know the difference by now between user error, faulty controller, and something that did not receive a lot of attention in the porting process.
Re: Intrigue, Deception and Brothels: Kat's In-Depth Witcher 2 Review!
05/02/12 8:37 am | #115
CDO? It makes so much more sense! The things you said about combat didn't come off to me like you did not know how to use a controller, but again issues resulting from a port of a PC game to a console.
I'm not a big PC gaming fan, but when I talk to those that are, they treat the keyboard and mouse like its the be-all end-all of input devices. I disagree in most regards, but in a game designed with PC in mind first, it definitely proves true in this case. So much responsiveness is lost when you go from a mouse down to a controller that in order for the devs to compensate combat would have had to be overhauled, which isn't very cost effective for a 2 year old port from PC. I mean, it would have made this already-awesome game that much better, but I can see why they wouldn't waste tons of time on it.
I'm not a big PC gaming fan, but when I talk to those that are, they treat the keyboard and mouse like its the be-all end-all of input devices. I disagree in most regards, but in a game designed with PC in mind first, it definitely proves true in this case. So much responsiveness is lost when you go from a mouse down to a controller that in order for the devs to compensate combat would have had to be overhauled, which isn't very cost effective for a 2 year old port from PC. I mean, it would have made this already-awesome game that much better, but I can see why they wouldn't waste tons of time on it.