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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/02/12 8:38 pm | #5971
They may reconsider when they see their sales decline. Not everyone that games has internet access or for that fact have unlimited data that they can just download what they please without having to worry about overages. The other factor is those who do not have big hard drives to download the 4GB plus size games. The damning fact is that people still want something physical when they purchase something.
I really do get that going completely digital is inevitable. I just think that EA being the cash cow that they are have jumped the gun a little too early.
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/02/12 8:46 pm | #5972
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
They may reconsider when they see their sales decline. Not everyone that games has internet access or for that fact have unlimited data that they can just download what they please without having to worry about overages. The other factor is those who do not have big hard drives to download the 4GB plus size games. The damning fact is that people still want something physical when they purchase something.
I really do get that going completely digital is inevitable. I just think that EA being the cash cow that they are have jumped the gun a little too early.
We all knew this was coming, but I do agree - EA is going to jump the gun WAAYYYY too early. I would suspect that they will do more and more of their games as digital only, starting with the most popular series.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/02/12 9:22 pm | #5973
being in a trade school with no wifi. no internet a tv for 3 months. thank god for summer break
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/02/12 10:00 pm | #5974
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
They may reconsider when they see their sales decline. Not everyone that games has internet access or for that fact have unlimited data that they can just download what they please without having to worry about overages. The other factor is those who do not have big hard drives to download the 4GB plus size games. The damning fact is that people still want something physical when they purchase something.
I really do get that going completely digital is inevitable. I just think that EA being the cash cow that they are have jumped the gun a little too early.
We all knew this was coming, but I do agree - EA is going to jump the gun WAAYYYY too early. I would suspect that they will do more and more of their games as digital only, starting with the most popular series.
That article is what's known as shitty journalism. Read the article they cite:
Gibeau goes on to say they will still be putting out retail copies for people who want them. -_- he's a fucking idiot. "we will give people content in whatever form they want. Except we're going completely digital. Someday. Until then we're doing both."
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/02/12 10:14 pm | #5975
Oh good, I can still rent Dead Space 3 yet stick to my impotent EA boycott.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/02/12 11:42 pm | #5976
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
We all knew this was coming, but I do agree - EA is going to jump the gun WAAYYYY too early. I would suspect that they will do more and more of their games as digital only, starting with the most popular series.
That article is what's known as shitty journalism. Read the article they cite:
Gibeau goes on to say they will still be putting out retail copies for people who want them. -_- he's a fucking idiot. "we will give people content in whatever form they want. Except we're going completely digital. Someday. Until then we're doing both."
I myself am just fine with going all digital. With that I don't expect to pay retail mark up, disc manufacturing charges, booklets or disc costs.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/03/12 8:44 am | #5977
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kat:
That article is what's known as shitty journalism. Read the article they cite:
Gibeau goes on to say they will still be putting out retail copies for people who want them. -_- he's a fucking idiot. "we will give people content in whatever form they want. Except we're going completely digital. Someday. Until then we're doing both."
I myself am just fine with going all digital. With that I don't expect to pay retail mark up, disc manufacturing charges, booklets or disc costs.
WRONG!!! This is EA we're talking about!! They are going to keep the mark-up for themselves and call it a 'service.' They may even throw in some random el-cheapo DLC along with an online pass - but it ain't gonna be less expensive.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/03/12 12:26 pm | #5978
Yeah, I don't think it will be cheaper. After all, games on demand is overpriced and has shown that there are people willing to pay more for less. Plus, all they'd have to do to stay competitive over GameStop in the retail market is drop prices in relation to what the games go for used. When a game is released and panned by basically every critic, people aren't going to pay $60 to buy it new if they can get it for $20 used. But they'd probably be willing to pay $5 more to get it new, especially if there's content in the new game that they'd have to buy for $10 with a used game.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/03/12 4:37 pm | #5979
Quote by Kat:
Yeah, I don't think it will be cheaper. After all, games on demand is overpriced and has shown that there are people willing to pay more for less. Plus, all they'd have to do to stay competitive over GameStop in the retail market is drop prices in relation to what the games go for used. When a game is released and panned by basically every critic, people aren't going to pay $60 to buy it new if they can get it for $20 used. But they'd probably be willing to pay $5 more to get it new, especially if there's content in the new game that they'd have to buy for $10 with a used game.
Games on demand is a pet peeve for me - it's a total rip off. Most of the games that are offered can be found used and in good condition on half.com or amazon for much less and in many cases half of the price listed by games on demand.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/04/12 1:53 am | #5980
being up 1-0 in NHL 11 and having the game say it's dirty or unreadable even though the disc is fine, at least got the year protection plan on it,off to gamestop.
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/04/12 2:49 am | #5982
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Xmengamer82:
being up 1-0 in NHL 11 and having the game say it's dirty or unreadable even though the disc is fine, at least got the year protection plan on it,off to gamestop.
Might not be the disc, might be your 360s eye.
it has been acting up lately,i was hoping to get another couple months out of it but i guess i might have to make a trip to gs and use that year warranty i have on it,i just need a transfer cable which im not to happy to get since it's like 25 bucks.
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/04/12 6:56 am | #5983
Quote by Xmengamer82:
it has been acting up lately,i was hoping to get another couple months out of it but i guess i might have to make a trip to gs and use that year warranty i have on it,i just need a transfer cable which im not to happy to get since it's like 25 bucks.
I'll send you mine. PM me your name and address.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/04/12 7:26 am | #5984
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Xmengamer82:
it has been acting up lately,i was hoping to get another couple months out of it but i guess i might have to make a trip to gs and use that year warranty i have on it,i just need a transfer cable which im not to happy to get since it's like 25 bucks.
I'll send you mine. PM me your name and address.

This is not a rape attempt.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/06/12 11:52 pm | #5985
The fact that our local theater still doesn't have Moonrise Kingdom but has this stupid fucking Katey Perry movie on two screens grinds the fuck out of my gears. 
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