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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/07/12 3:58 am | #5986
Having a $45 fraudulent charge on a credit card I ONLY use for Amazon purchases, then out of nowhere I have this bogus charge for some fucking hobby shop in Pa, what the fuck is that shit...
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/07/12 10:45 am | #5987
Homework grinds my gears.
I know that I should do it, I know that I need to do it, I just don't want to do it.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/07/12 2:33 pm | #5988
Quote by IRiSH:
The fact that our local theater still doesn't have Moonrise Kingdom but has this stupid fucking Katey Perry movie on two screens grinds the fuck out of my gears.

Omg me too. I always have to drive an hour and a half to see the good stuff.
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/07/12 10:58 pm | #5989
Quote by Xmengamer82:
Quote by Mudkip:
Might not be the disc, might be your 360s eye.
it has been acting up lately,i was hoping to get another couple months out of it but i guess i might have to make a trip to gs and use that year warranty i have on it,i just need a transfer cable which im not to happy to get since it's like 25 bucks.
just buy one used from gamestop, use it, and return it
screw getting raped by Meta
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/07/12 11:05 pm | #5990
Quote by Junior:
Quote by Xmengamer82:
it has been acting up lately,i was hoping to get another couple months out of it but i guess i might have to make a trip to gs and use that year warranty i have on it,i just need a transfer cable which im not to happy to get since it's like 25 bucks.
just buy one used from gamestop, use it, and return it

screw getting raped by Meta

i fixed it, the game would display the disk is dirty or damaged message so i installed it and it works better than it used to,i still might bring the game back since the year plan is up in two months, kinda greedy since i plan on devoting from 9/11/12 on to NHL 13 but it's always good to have a working copy of any game around.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/07/12 11:08 pm | #5991
(sorry double post) playing nhl 11 and being one of the only few guys left that has a dnf% of 0% and getting smoked by players that use the same damn move and sit on the blue line instead of playing D, GOD I HATE THOSE SELFISH PLAYERS THAT CALL EVERY DAMN TIME EVEN WHEN THEY CAN'T GET ANYTHING GOING, STOP CALLING FOR THE DAMN PUCK MORON.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/08/12 10:57 pm | #5992
Joining my friend's Black Ops Zombie Lobby and finding out it was modded and now I'm banned from Black Ops Online! Fucking shit man I loved playing Zombies Online!
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/09/12 12:02 am | #5993
Amazon's doing away with free release day shipping on all games for prime, what the fuck, apparently they're spending a bunch of money to improve conditions at their warehouses and prime members are getting fucked because of it, now it's going to start being $8 for release day shipping for non prime members and $4 for prime members, that's some bullshit, at least there is still free 2 day shipping on all prime...
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/09/12 12:28 am | #5994
Quote by Daniel:
Joining my friend's Black Ops Zombie Lobby and finding out it was modded and now I'm banned from Black Ops Online! Fucking shit man I loved playing Zombies Online!
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/09/12 9:28 am | #5995
What grinds my gears - Waking up with a headache. Ibuprofen for breakfast, YUMMY!!!!
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/09/12 12:55 pm | #5996
Random friend requests on xbox live grinds my gears. Is it really that difficult to just send a message with it? I mean, who are you and why the heck did you send this request?
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/09/12 5:13 pm | #5997
Quote by unkled20:
Random friend requests on xbox live grind my gears. Is it really that difficult to just send a message with it? I mean, who are you and why the heck did you send this request?
It seems that they come in waves. I won 't get any for months then within a week I will get 5.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/10/12 3:34 am | #5998
fuck the damn players on NHL series that use the same deke every time to score! hockey was made to be a team sport not a one man dancing show with the damn person flying up and down the ice, man im pissed the same fuckin move like 5 times and the guy plays almost no defense which makes the goals even worse i get pissed cuz im the guy that plays the all around game defense, hustle for the puck and pass ntm IM the one who is standing in front of the nett trying to create goals and deflections not the other guys.
on a side note if anyone is looking to play some nhl 12 next week im going to be picking it up and want to play some team games with people that play HOCKEY not basketball on ice. just message me and let me know your from XBA.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
07/11/12 6:07 pm | #6000
Quote by Mudkip:
Girls that would rather stay with a guy that treat them badly, what makes it worse is when the girl still cares about the person. On top of that they don't want to leave them because it's "too hard".
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if it's all even worth it.
women like that arent worth it.i was after a girl in highschool that was in a abusive relationship and no matter what i did to show her that not all guys are assholes like her bf she never left him and i moved on.its usually for the best to just move on,i know its what i needed.she has two kids now and has a third on the way living on welfare while im engaged to a wonderful women and i can support both of us.
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