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Archived: Xbox Live Down?
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Re: Xbox Live Down?
08/04/11 2:35 pm | #16
It's an old thread, but i can't sign into xbox.com. I get his
This site may be experiencing a problem
The site may not be a member of the Windows Live Network
You can:
You can sign in or sign up at other sites on the Windows Live Network, or try again later at this site.
Re: Xbox Live Down?
08/04/11 2:37 pm | #17
I just signed in just fine on Xbox.com. I'm also on the Xbox.
Re: Xbox Live Down?
08/04/11 2:48 pm | #18
Works fine for me, on both the site and the actual Xbox.
Re: Xbox Live Down?
08/04/11 2:52 pm | #19
Yeah, thats the weird thing. I can sign in on the xbox, but not the site. Been that way since 2am
Re: Re: Xbox Live Down?
08/04/11 3:41 pm | #21
Quote by Demonic Aspects:
it was kicking everyone offline I was playing with last night and every game was crazy laggy
I was having the same difficulties.
Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 7:51 am | #22
Bump - this down for anyone else right now? I can't use any xbox.com website or live itself...
Re: Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 9:17 am | #23
Quote by AJ:
Bump - this down for anyone else right now? I can't use any xbox.com website or live itself...
I get an error when i try to log into xbox.com
This has happened before and is temporary. Just try again in a bit and you should be able to log in.
Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 10:29 am | #24
Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 11:19 am | #25
Live is up and running for me. However it seems the midwest part of the U.S. is down for sure. Shall I take video of me browsing the dashboard for you guys, and you can act like your playing too?
Hopefully it gets fixed soon
Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 11:20 am | #26
It's back up and running.
Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 4:15 pm | #28
Yeah, xbox.com still appears to be down for me too.
Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 4:20 pm | #29
Re: Xbox Live Down?
09/13/11 4:27 pm | #30
here too. i get the "continue" page to come up but it wont load at all.
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