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Personal Information
Region:North Carolina
Join Date:Oct 27, 2009
BirthdayJuly 21st, 1994
Hardest AchievementMan of 1004 Holds (Smackdown vs Raw 2011)
Funniest AchievementPress START (The Simpsons Game)
Location:Thomasville, NC
Interests:Playing video games sometimes.
Zack's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


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Zack's Shoutbox
BillJones0302 - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!!

DeWayne - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BlackHoleFTW - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Unfortunately I missed it, I had to work :\. Not happy with the result, either!

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Yayyy that's exciting! That's also my half birthday haha :)

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Seriously! Not too much, just living the dream *or something, haha* up here. Working too much for my own good. How are you doing?

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Yay!! Good luck :D I hope you get in!!

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Dude, we're gonna be amazing next year! Especially with Beason and every other injured panther back!!

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Charlotte ftw!!

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Absolute shit. Sigh. We could be like at least 6-3 this season... but no.

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Ugh, and I mean... it's not his fault, we shouldn't have fumbled, we shouldn't have done stupid shit, we shouldn't have... oh who am I kidding, I'm pissed at Mare. He could have saved us, ughhh

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Mare's a prick for missing that :(

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

I'm jealous! I haven't been to a game since they lost to the Dolphins in 2009 :(. Damnit I miss my Panthers!!

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Ahhh it was such a good game! I wish I could have been there :(

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Ahah wow, we were obviously meant to eat at Barberitos and watch the Panthers lose together!

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

Haha aww. I miss that place... that green salsa they have is sooo good... and I a spicy chicken quesadilla sounds SO good right now!

kroberts11 - 13 years ago

I was jumping around the house I was so happy! What a downpour though eh? I watched it online since we haven't moved so I don't have Sunday Ticket yet... but damn it looked like they were playing in a pond!

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Thanks homie :) it took me wayyy too long to get from 47k to 50k haha. I am just so lazy with achievements nowdays.

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Get someone to bring you to Barberito's to make you feel better!

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Oh noo! That's horrible :( I hope you feel better soon. That sucks so bad!

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Hi buddy... still no sign of madden, sigh. Hopefully it gets here soon :(. How are you?

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Yup, fml fml fml fml!

AJ - 14 years ago


kroberts11 - 14 years ago

I'm up for that :) just let me know when you want to play, hopefully it won't take too long to get here!

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Yup :) I actually just preordered it the other day. I probably won't get it for a few days since it's coming from Amazon to Canada, and the site I ordered with is usually slow shipping anyway.. but anyway, yes, I am getting it :)

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Hahaha yeah dude, the fact that it can possibly be 1-1 in a game of football seriously screws with my head. Silly Canadians.

kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Ugh that was so annoying. Especially since the Dolphins are my 2nd team because of my ex.... stupid stupid. And not only that, but in the CFL, my Eskies lost their 3rd straight (after starting the season 5-0) by a stupid CFL score of 36-1... ugh.

kroberts11 - 14 years ago


kroberts11 - 14 years ago

Ahhh epic! It's so good!