Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Detroit:
I think all those JRPGS and turn base whatever the fuck games SUCK! Who the fuck thought thought it was good idea to make a game where you take turns attacking each other? The ONLY acceptation is Pokemon. I know some people may crucify me for this lol... but its just how I feel.
I also think Emma Stone is not hot.. she looks like a frog or some shit. Dont hurt me, Mudkip.
1) exception
2) Emma stone looks like an alien
3) why can't people dislike a game style without saying the style sucks? I hate shooters. I think it's the worst genre and would be happy never playing another. But that doesn't mean it SUCKS, it means I recognize that it's not for me (I don't have the reflexes or motor skills to enjoy them and I get motion sick). See how I can dislike something without negating the opinions of fans and making it into a personal attack?
Fixed to *exception*, thanks... lol one of my many typos/wrong word choices I always make
Its just my opinion. I don't like JRPG turn based type games. They just blow, and thats my opinion. I'm not killing people who like them. If you like them then you like them, I dont care lol. I dont get how its a personal attack.