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Archived: Trueachievements.com
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 10:20 am | #16
Quote by mayoman69:
Quote by AJ:
Seriously, first 360V and now TA...
The end is near!

This is exactly what the prophecy said! I mean I have been having trouble with the gamestop site, not being able to view the price drops 360 page and now this! We need to make the world safe again. And it says in the prophecy that we must sacrifice PS3's! it's the only to stop the madness!

Sounds like a great fucking plan to me!
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 4:20 pm | #17
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 4:45 pm | #19
Any chance this is all related? Wheels within wheels, man. . .
/ tinfoil hat
Re: Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 4:55 pm | #20
Quote by AJ:
Seriously, first 360V and now TA...
XBA could be next who know.
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 5:11 pm | #22
This is the Japanese's idea of a joke! I will in no way go and buy your playstation even if the online is free. Damn you Japan and your cute anime cartoons! Damn you strait to hell!
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 6:43 pm | #23
still down... :/ as for 360v heres what was said Stephen Sopp
September 17, 2010
We are experiencing a major job delay due to a database outage that happened this weekend. I am looking into the extent of the issue, but it may be a several days to get things back to normal. It does not appear all data was lost for gameplay, and we hope to back populate as jobs catch up and we come up with a decent recovery plan. Although there is a chance blogs, challenges and related tasks will not be filled in for the missed days.
Will post more when I have it.
UPDATE 13:51 EST - 2010-09-17: Got the database recovered and running good again, had to do some work on the job server as well. Plan is to do the bulk of recovery work late Friday and Saturday night, into Sunday. This weekend we should have new blogs going out by the end, and things pretty back to normal if all goes well. Still looking into recovering blogs and data for the missing days.
so im thinking the issue was related to this, as of ta.com who knows lol
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 6:51 pm | #24
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/20/10 1:44 pm | #25
Hi gang!
Kind of bored with the site down so I'm branching out and doing some forum surfing. A couple things to the TA outtage:
1. This is not a planned downtime.
2. This is a harddrive failure.
3. The planned uptime is this weekend.
4. Best way to follow the developments is through TA's twitter: twitter.com/TrueAchievement
Hope this clears some things up! Happy hunting!
Whoa! Wait! Is that AJ from Achievement Junkies posted above me!? That is/was a solid podcast. Haven't listened to podcasts in awhile.
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/20/10 1:52 pm | #26
Old news is old. Twitter has finally been useful this past week.
Ta never should've added blogs....
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/20/10 2:13 pm | #27
Quote by Leo Ascendent:
Ta never should've added blogs....
So much truth in that statement.
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/20/10 3:22 pm | #28
to everyone having withdrawls from TA, now you see how important it is and should donate when it is back up. : ) WE MISS YOU TA
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/20/10 5:31 pm | #29
Atleast they are keeping us updated instead of fading away like so many sites in the past! You go TA, we still believe!
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/25/10 4:11 pm | #30
It should be back up soon.
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