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Archived: Trueachievements.com
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Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/27/10 4:55 pm | #61
Quote by Ellahjay88:
What sucks about this is I cancelled my old email within the week that TA went down (got hacked), but my account is still linked to that e-mail and the verification code is only being sent to that. I've contacted them 2 different times to ask if they can update the e-mail, but still no response...oh well guess no more TA for me
Can you remake that email you canceled? That happened to me with my TA account too so I remade the old account that I deleted/canceled and it worked.
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/27/10 5:15 pm | #63
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Nope. It was a g-mail it tells me this now
ashleyjustice1988 is not available, but the following usernames are:
So that's why I've been getting so many TA emails, geeeez.
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/27/10 11:50 pm | #65
Quote by Ellahjay88:
lol thief!!
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/29/10 4:36 pm | #66
Ok the site might be up and partially running but it hasn't updated my stats in a few days. boo!
Re: Trueachievements.com
10/01/10 10:06 pm | #67
Is it down again? lol not loading for me
Re: Trueachievements.com
10/01/10 10:21 pm | #68
Its temporary. It will be back up, check their twitter feed
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
10/02/10 7:50 pm | #69
Quote by Minioger:
Its temporary. It will be back up, check their twitter feed

Whats the url for their twitter? I haven't been scanned since the 27th! I can't wait till they have it back up and running at 100%!
Re: Trueachievements.com
10/02/10 7:54 pm | #70
Just google TrueAchievements and their twitter will be on the first page of results.
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
10/02/10 8:48 pm | #71
Quote by AJ:
Just google TrueAchievements and their twitter will be on the first page of results.
Thanks AJ! I just don't understand the hype around twitter. Doesn't facebook do that and more?
Re: Trueachievements.com
10/03/10 12:42 am | #72
They say that probably by Monday they are hoping to have all active users caught up and they should be able to do forced scans again!
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
10/03/10 12:47 am | #73
Quote by theEVOL1:
They say that probably by Monday they are hoping to have all active users caught up and they should be able to do forced scans again!
Bout damn time!
Re: Trueachievements.com
10/03/10 1:26 am | #74
I cant even get into my Trueachievements account....its totally f*ckd up and cant get anyone to do a damn thing about let alone look into it....re-registered my account and still cant sign in it wants me to get another email sent to verify my account....it is verified ive had 2 mods tell me so....took them 4 days to send me my verification email....is good to see they treat their donators to the site well
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
10/03/10 4:30 am | #75
Quote by theEVOL1:
They say that probably by Monday they are hoping to have all active users caught up and they should be able to do forced scans again!
Oh I hope so! I know that the internet and websites aren't fail proof. But c'mon when was the last time you saw a porn site have this much trouble?
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