P.S. On a personal note, this is my 1,000th post on these forums. Finally got there.
Archived: Trueachievements.com
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Re: Trueachievements.com
10/03/10 4:34 am | #76
Now if only 360Voice would get on the ball and fix the problems they're having.
P.S. On a personal note, this is my 1,000th post on these forums. Finally got there.
P.S. On a personal note, this is my 1,000th post on these forums. Finally got there.
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
10/03/10 5:07 am | #77
Quote by Dvader83:
Now if only 360Voice would get on the ball and fix the problems they're having.
P.S. On a personal note, this is my 1,000th post on these forums. Finally got there.
P.S. On a personal note, this is my 1,000th post on these forums. Finally got there.
Yeah, the blogs seem to be running fine for me. But the challenges are all fucked up! The one I'm in should of ended 19 days ago!

Re: Trueachievements.com
10/30/10 1:59 pm | #79
ellahjay88 try sending a message to andylsimmons or n0rvy and let them know that you are having problems still...they help me out with my account when i was having problems with my TA account and couldnt get my verificaiton email
Re: Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
10/30/10 4:37 pm | #80
Quote by mayoman69:
Quote by theEVOL1:
They say that probably by Monday they are hoping to have all active users caught up and they should be able to do forced scans again!

Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
10/30/10 4:56 pm | #81
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Yay TA still not working for me either. I would still love to participate on their site because they have a great schedule of people looking for other people to boost and all, BUT it's still the same case with the old e-mail. Actually whoever hacked and took my old e-mail stole my identity as well and my credit card because I have been paying water bills in Los Angeles, California, but I live in Atlanta, Georgia? Ugh people these days!?! This is what I have been doing the past few weeks too is straightening out all of this.
All I want is TA to work
but I never get a response back from anyone there when I send e-mails to them or XboxLive messages
All I want is TA to work

Message N0RVY (that's a zero not an O). He always responds back to me in a couple hours.
Re: Trueachievements.com
11/02/10 5:33 am | #84
TA seems to be working fine for me now, so far! But 360coice hasn't updated in a week again! Anyone else seeing this?
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
11/02/10 6:43 pm | #86
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Yeah i finally get ta to work and now 360v isn't updating lol omg always something down lately
Even the recently played games here aren't working yet and they haven't for a while now!

Re: Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
11/02/10 7:10 pm | #87
Quote by mayoman69:
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Yeah i finally get ta to work and now 360v isn't updating lol omg always something down lately
Even the recently played games here aren't working yet and they haven't for a while now!

That's because of the shitty updated dashboard...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
11/02/10 7:20 pm | #88
Quote by AJ:
Quote by mayoman69:
Even the recently played games here aren't working yet and they haven't for a while now!

That's because of the shitty updated dashboard...
No, I think it's because of the update to xbox.com.
Every Xbox related site I frequent has been having problems for weeks now.
Re: Trueachievements.com
03/11/11 11:25 am | #89
Seems like TA is down again. I keep getting a 404 not found error....
Re: Trueachievements.com
03/11/11 11:30 am | #90
its working fine for me, give it a minute and try it again breesyst10.