Archived: Trueachievements.com
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09/18/10 9:15 pm | #1
Is anyone else having trouble loading the site? I've tried both firefox and IE and neither will load the page for me.

Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 9:17 pm | #2
Not Working for me Either, it must be down
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 9:20 pm | #3
Quote by Daniel:
Not Working for me Either, it must be down
Boo! Cause I needed some help with some Fallout and DoA 4 Achievements I'm having trouble with!
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 9:29 pm | #4
Been down for the last 10 hours or so...
Same with 360Voice...

Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 9:54 pm | #5
TA has been down all day, but 360 voice has been working for me(just checked), though it hasn't posted anything since I joined a group last week.
Re: Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 10:20 pm | #6
Quote by mayoman69:
Quote by Daniel:
Not Working for me Either, it must be down
Boo! Cause I needed some help with some Fallout and DoA 4 Achievements I'm having trouble with!
lol x360a.org?
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 10:47 pm | #7
i think about 2 weeks ago the owners of TA announced that there would be an outage of about 8-12 hours due to the owners of the building thier servers are in replacing power lines. COuld be the reason. Also go to www.downorisitjustme.com and type in a url and it will tell you whether the site is down or your ISP is acting up
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 11:12 pm | #8
A long while ago, they have said that they will be down for a day or two due to trying to fix/improve their servers.
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 11:18 pm | #9
I didn't see the news that they were gonna be down, I must've missed it. Thank you. And I will try x360a.
Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 11:45 pm | #10
Quote by PitBullDoorbell:
TA has been down all day, but 360 voice has been working for me(just checked), though it hasn't posted anything since I joined a group last week.
Don't know why you think it's working if it hasn't posted anything since the 13th... lol. It hasn't for anyone.
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 11:46 pm | #11
Re: Trueachievements.com
09/18/10 11:50 pm | #12
Dizamn. I need to let it update so I can complete another Gamer Goal.
Please come back to me TA...I NEED YOU!!!!
Please come back to me TA...I NEED YOU!!!!

Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 10:03 am | #13
Please please come back to us!

Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 10:16 am | #14
Quote by mayoman69:
Please please come back to us!

Seriously, first 360V and now TA...
The end is near!

Re: Re: Re: Trueachievements.com
09/19/10 10:19 am | #15
Quote by AJ:
Quote by mayoman69:
Please please come back to us!

Seriously, first 360V and now TA...
The end is near!

This is exactly what the prophecy said! I mean I have been having trouble with the gamestop site, not being able to view the price drops 360 page and now this! We need to make the world safe again. And it says in the prophecy that we must sacrifice PS3's! it's the only way to stop the madness!