Archived: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
07/24/13 3:59 pm | #31
Their better be fast travel!
Re: Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
07/24/13 4:04 pm | #32
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Their better be fast travel!
I think there is.
Unattributed Quote:
The world being bigger means Geralt is able to use horses and boats to get around. He can tame horses using an Axii magical sign, or he can buy them. He can borrow boats from the beaches and ports of the world (and probably buy them as well). There's also a fast-travel option to-and-fro from known locations.
This is from either March or January, though.
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
07/24/13 4:20 pm | #33
I hope this game comes out next year!!
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
08/01/13 8:45 am | #34

I warned Geralt to never have a one night stand with a Harpy-fish. But does he ever listen?

When did CD Projekt RED have time to motionscan Rosie-O'Donnel into Witcher 3? Better then LA Noire.

and here's a cameo from Michael Chiklis

Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
08/01/13 11:34 am | #35
ah fresh new screenshots!
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
01/23/14 6:54 am | #36
36 + different endings and over 100+ hours of game-play. Me like.
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
01/23/14 7:54 am | #37
i cant wait for this game i hope trish is in it
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
01/29/14 11:06 am | #38
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
01/29/14 11:51 am | #39
i cant wait for this
Re: Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
01/29/14 12:56 pm | #40
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
03/11/14 2:13 pm | #41
Witcher 3 got delayed until 2015

Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
03/13/14 12:28 am | #42
At least we still have dragon age! :s
Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
03/13/14 12:33 am | #43
Honestly, I am glad when a game I am looking forward to gets delayed. Even though it means I have to wait longer to play it, it also means it isn't getting rushed to retail by a careless publisher's deadlines, instead it is getting worked on and polished further for quality's sake.
ALWAYS a good thing. With a game that has the potential to be this good, I say they need to work on it as long as they feel it takes to be great.
ALWAYS a good thing. With a game that has the potential to be this good, I say they need to work on it as long as they feel it takes to be great.
Re: Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
03/13/14 1:31 am | #44
Quote by Meta:
Honestly, I am glad when a game I am looking forward to gets delayed. Even though it means I have to wait longer to play it, it also means it isn't getting rushed to retail by a careless publisher's deadlines, instead it is getting worked on and polished further for quality's sake.
ALWAYS a good thing. With a game that has the potential to be this good, I say they need to work on it as long as they feel it takes to be great.
ALWAYS a good thing. With a game that has the potential to be this good, I say they need to work on it as long as they feel it takes to be great.
In this case I agree. It was obviously a tough decision for them and to me that means it was probably the right one. It's a phenomenal series and totally deserves all the polish they can give it.