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Archived: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
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Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/26/12 1:11 am | #46
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
LMAO, should have joined our band Meta. You take out daniel that would do our band in. Our bands name. SOULLESS MEXICAN featuring (blackholeftw and juniormt)!!!
EDIT: Can we get an update on points for the whole competition or when are you going to update those?
Haha you guys are something else, and Meta has always been jealous of my Harp Skills
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/26/12 1:37 am | #47
Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/26/12 2:03 am | #48
Re: Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/26/12 5:39 am | #49
Quote by Kat:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
With a busted up guitar, I was able to get some points in. I think I should have stuck with the skin flute.
I hear your skin flute is busted up as well...
You son of a bitch. It's only temporarily out of service due to Black hole volunteering my service to corn hole a couple of staff members on this site. One of which had a really jagged ass hole.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/26/12 8:38 am | #50
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kat:
I hear your skin flute is busted up as well...
You son of a bitch. It's only temporarily out of service due to Black hole volunteering my service to corn hole a couple of staff members on this site.
One of which had a really jagged ass hole.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/26/12 9:09 am | #51
Hes finally coming out of the closet...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/26/12 9:59 am | #52
Quote by Meta:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
You son of a bitch. It's only temporarily out of service due to Black hole volunteering my service to corn hole a couple of staff members on this site. One of which had a really jagged ass hole.

Gotta be.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/27/12 5:23 pm | #53
Need more participants! Come on ya'll! Don't be shy! Just play to have fun!
Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/30/12 2:54 pm | #54
surely someone is out there beating our scores now...
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/30/12 4:40 pm | #55
I made threads on the rock band forums and TA... I think the server problems may be part of the problem, but not all of it.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
09/01/12 11:39 am | #56
Just a bump to remind everyone that this week- and the tournament- ends in just a little over 12 hours!!!! Hopefully we get more entries!!!
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
09/01/12 12:26 pm | #57
The server problems are very likely a huge thing. I couldn't get here on my roommate's work tablet, and it's from a big third-party company that does gaming stuff.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
09/01/12 12:54 pm | #58
Blame EA.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
09/01/12 1:16 pm | #59
Lol ea maintains xbas servers now! Boycott ea!!!
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
09/01/12 3:30 pm | #60
Oh wow, come on somebody post some scores. By the way Kat rock band blitz would be a good game to compete with for future tournaments.
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