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Archived: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
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Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 4:43 pm | #31
That's a fantastic score, guys! Unfortunately there's no one for you to compete against! After talking to staff and the competitors, I have decided to extend the tourney by a week. With the last minute ok of RB3, and now that the songs are all announced, maybe someone who thought they couldn't find the time will be able to submit scores.
As a thank you for championing the tournament and showing up for me, Junior, Blackhole, Daniel and Beauty Justified will all be awarded participation points for this week.
So you slackers have one week to get a band together and try to win! The bar has been set pretty high, but there's no fun in easy, is there?
As a reminder, please post your band members when you form up. I know things change and maybe people won't be all available when they thought they would or w/e, so nothing is set in stone, but It's a good way to keep track.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 5:09 pm | #32
Cool! I wanted ask, even though our crew has posted scores up above and we stated they were final, as we thought today was the last day, can we now play again and if we better our scores somehow, post them up? Or is this still our final submission?
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 5:38 pm | #33
Awwwwww......shit! My guitar is broke. Gonna try to mcgyver it and get it up and running.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 5:39 pm | #34
Junior, you can keep updating your scores up to the last minute!
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 5:56 pm | #35
Kat I am typing this from my phone I can't log in to the staff section so just tell Minioger we need to ban Junior & Blackhole, and send AJ over to break Daniel's wrists and ankles.
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 6:26 pm | #36
LMAO, should have joined our band Meta. You take out daniel that would do our band in. Our bands name. SOULLESS MEXICAN featuring (blackholeftw and juniormt)!!!
EDIT: Can we get an update on points for the whole competition or when are you going to update those?
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 6:43 pm | #37
Lol!! Meta I'll let him know!
I'll update points tomorrow, Blackhole, I've gotta grocery shop tonight and I'm a little sick.
Also, for the record, if your band is from rb3, NO KEYBOARDS, lol!! And while you can switch bands, you can only compete with one.
Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 7:03 pm | #38
Quote by Kat:
Lol!! Meta I'll let him know!
I'll update points tomorrow, Blackhole, I've gotta grocery shop tonight and
I'm a little sick.
She also has a bit of a virus.
Hey Kat, guess what game I'm installing right now?
It starts with a "R" and ends with "ock Band 2."
Give up?
It's "Reverend Meta's Hometown Hoedown Cock Band 2"! Weehaw!
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 7:37 pm | #39
Sounds like someone's gonna get cornholed...
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 9:18 pm | #40
If we get to choose who, I'd like to request it not be me!!!
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 10:03 pm | #41
I think it will be our friend Shadow on the skin flute...
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 11:25 pm | #42

With a busted up guitar, I was able to get some points in. I think I should have stuck with the skin flute.
Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 11:47 pm | #43
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
Sounds like someone's gonna get cornholed...
Re: Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 11:49 pm | #44
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
I hear your skin flute is busted up as well...
Re: Summer Tournament- FINAL WEEK! Rock Band 2
08/25/12 11:55 pm | #45
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