A few hours into gameplay and I am hooked. There have been some parts to the game that had me laughing out loud. This game has not strayed from the Comedy Central series. So far in my opinion it has been definitely worth the wait.
South Park: The Stick of Truth

If you do happen to be a fan of South Park's humor and style, you are absolutely going to love this game. Go out and buy it right now, even if you have a stack of backlog games you fat lazy fuck.
You create your own character with the trademark visual style of SP, aka construction paper. You then pick from 4 fantasy archetypes--Fighter, Mage, Thief, and Jew (paladin).
There are of course armor and weapons, as well as loot, and you can freely apply and re-apply color dyes and enhancements called "patches" and "strap-ons" that change attributes, add specs and more.
I have glanced over other internet reviews, including some from major sites, that say the game is very buggy. I am 5 hours in and haven't encountered any bugs or glitches yet. I don't know if they got an early/bad build of the game or if they were just trying to generate traffic, but my experience has been free from any technical problems.
Definitely recommended to all fans of the show, and any gamers that enjoy a bit of ruthless absurdity in their RPGs.
+edit+ A few hours further I did encounter a bug: Stan's dad's audio dialog started late and then stopped midsentence so the next part of a scene could happen.
......so obviously that downgrades the game to a 1 out of 10 and dead baby porn holocaust happens.