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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/22/12 11:59 pm | #11731
Quote by Mercury Ice:
Mr. Peanut is the 1%.
Totally. Dude's got a monocle. Wtf?
Re: Random Thoughts
12/23/12 4:36 am | #11732
am i crazy or wasn't there a sequel in the RE movie series that was going to be called "rebirth"? i could swearr they announced it,maybe im wrong and it was a game instead ,either way im almost sure some one on here knows what im talking about.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/23/12 4:39 am | #11733
Quote by X:
am i crazy or wasn't there a sequel in the RE movie series that was going to be called "rebirth"? i could swearr they announced it,maybe im wrong and it was a game instead ,either way im almost sure some one on here knows what im talking about.
I think that was the original name of one then they changed it, might have been into afterlife but I'm not positive.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/23/12 4:47 am | #11734
Quote by Circus:
Quote by X:
am i crazy or wasn't there a sequel in the RE movie series that was going to be called "rebirth"? i could swearr they announced it,maybe im wrong and it was a game instead ,either way im almost sure some one on here knows what im talking about.
I think that was the original name of one then they changed it, might have been into afterlife but I'm not positive.
yea, i think your right, i just remember heraing them say during the extras on the previous film the next one would be called "rebirth".
edit- do you think it would totally contradict the move thread if i opened my review blog up for commentation? i know it could be an issue with the other threads already dedacated to movies and tv but i just wanted a genral sense of what you guys thought about it maybe being open.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/23/12 7:44 am | #11735
double post
, zanex is fuckin awesome

, i wish i had a friggin life time supply or like a goddam iv hooked into my veins all day every day
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/23/12 9:00 am | #11736
Quote by X:
edit- do you think it would totally contradict the move thread if i opened my review blog up for commentation? i know it could be an issue with the other threads already dedacated to movies and tv but i just wanted a genral sense of what you guys thought about it maybe being open.
That doesn't even make sense. That's what the "rate the last movie you saw" thread is for... So you post your opinions and it possibly starts a discussion. You said you wanted a blog just for your own opinions, so (even though www.blogger.com is a thing) we allowed that... Although it is technically a duplicate thread. Now you want to open it for discussion which leads me to the question... Why did you not just post it in the correct thread from the beginning??
Re: Random Thoughts
12/23/12 1:52 pm | #11737
is anyone going anywhere special for the holidays? I'm going to Atlantic city Christmas Eve and again for New Years Eve. I got relatives down in southern jersey near Atlantic City so gotta visit them and maybe gamble a little

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/23/12 6:45 pm | #11738
Quote by Kat:
Quote by X:
edit- do you think it would totally contradict the move thread if i opened my review blog up for commentation? i know it could be an issue with the other threads already dedacated to movies and tv but i just wanted a genral sense of what you guys thought about it maybe being open.
That doesn't even make sense. That's what the "rate the last movie you saw" thread is for... So you post your opinions and it possibly starts a discussion. You said you wanted a blog just for your own opinions, so (even though www.blogger.com is a thing) we allowed that... Although it is technically a duplicate thread. Now you want to open it for discussion which leads me to the question... Why did you not just post it in the correct thread from the beginning??
no,no, you misunderstand my post, i wanted to get a few thought on it being open, i didn't open it or want it to be open i just wanted to see what you thought, i figured it was kind of pointless to open it and that's about the responce i got, that's all,, thanks.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/24/12 12:03 pm | #11739
If anyone is interested in the uDraw Tablet for 360, my local Best Buy had 35 of them yesterday for $10 each.
This is the Council Bluffs, IA location, if anyone lives close.
If anyone not close wanted one, they would have to pay for it and shipping and I would be willing to pick it up.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/24/12 5:27 pm | #11740
Screw it, I'm going to dive all my unstarted games before the end of 2012.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/24/12 5:33 pm | #11741
Guitar Hero 3 Achievements...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/12 6:39 pm | #11742
Quote by Jared:
Quote by Mindy:
Oh that's terrible... I thought the three year was permanent?!?!! Or maybe no one wanted to test the theory. Guess we know now.
He still has the award. So I'm thinking he just lost the days on his counter.
I hadn't noticed that the badge was still there. At least we know that is permanent.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/12 9:32 pm | #11743
I bit the inside of my cheek over a week ago and now I can't stop biting it and it's getting on my nerves. It won't heal.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/26/12 10:51 am | #11744
I have a food hangover because I ate too much yesterday. It was raining hard through most of the day so our family walk was out of the question and I really didn't feel like running yesterday, so now I am suffering and it's my own fault.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/26/12 11:08 am | #11745
My 360 hard drive died. Can't spin up. Lost 4.5 years of save game data. All of it gone.
Edit: Stay safe in this blizzardy weather if you're in the Ohio/wherever it is affecting people area.
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