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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 3:56 am | #11686
Wondering how many people are actually going to think the world is going to end tomorrow. See you all on Saturday.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 4:01 am | #11687
did i miss the spoghtlight thread this month or was there one
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 4:37 am | #11688
Quote by X:
did i miss the spoghtlight thread this month or was there one

We didn't do one for December because there were no votes and the staff was all busy anyway.
Everyone is always welcome to send their nominations/votes for a CS person to AJ!
We are going to do CSs for January and February.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 9:40 am | #11689
Quote by Valo:
Wondering how many people are actually going to think the world is going to end tomorrow. See you all on Saturday.
I haven't seen anyone wondering about with signs stating that the end of the world is tomorrow, at least not yet. I have, in the recent past, seen a bunch morons out with signs in my neighborhood. As long as they keep their distance, it will be fine.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 11:02 am | #11690
Quote by Valo:
Wondering how many people are actually going to think the world is going to end tomorrow. See you all on Saturday.
The world shall end with a mad scientist pausing time with a time altering device that he made and then proceeding to kill himself. Yup.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11691
Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 6:38 pm | #11692
i miss my pc, i can't wait to use it again and post some of the funny gif/pics i have been checking out over the last few weeks.
i caught the evil scary snowman yesterday on you tube, lmfao, i can't believe he gets the people every year in the same town,i just love seeing them just about crap their pants, that and the farts when people are walking by him, this one dude was like "omg wtf" i was just about crying.
this funny text style message on a gif site went something like this:
just imagine you taking a dump, and you have to sneeze, and the force from the sneeze propels your body foward while the poo is coming out, now just imagine for a moment your balls get caught in the backswing during all of this action, that's right you can imagine the rest.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 9:38 pm | #11693
Pretty much all packed and ready to travel to Vegas tomorrow for 5 days to celebrate my brother's wedding and will be out there for Christmas.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/12 11:34 pm | #11694
Quote by Kat:
You like strippers??? I am shocked by this information, which is totally new to me!!!
What's a stripper? :o
Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/12 1:06 am | #11695
This is a stripper:
Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/12 1:47 am | #11696
My connection to Xbox Live just crashed...uh oh. Maybe it's true - the world is ending....
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11697
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/12 6:56 pm | #11698
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
This is a stripper:

You would do her - wouldn't you, Shadow? 
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11699
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11700
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