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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/26/12 11:44 am | #11746
Quote by CannibalX88:
My 360 hard drive died. Can't spin up. Lost 4.5 years of save game data. All of it gone.
Edit: Stay safe in this blizzardy weather if you're in the Ohio/wherever it is affecting people area.
I know where you're coming from on that and it sucks ass. Happened to me a few months back. I'm just glad I got 1000/1000 on games like Tales of Vesperia and Blue Dragon. I did have to start over on Skyrim after putting over 100 hours in it though.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11747
Re: Random Thoughts
12/27/12 11:40 am | #11748
Why am I having so much trouble with this site? Takes 2-3 mins to get to it and if I click on any of the forums it takes another 5-6 mins to go to it. The is the only site that I've gone to that does this. Anyone else having this problem?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/27/12 12:41 pm | #11749
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Why am I having so much trouble with this site? Takes 2-3 mins to get to it and if I click on any of the forums it takes another 5-6 mins to go to it. The is the only site that I've gone to that does this. Anyone else having this problem?
I've been having the same problem since sometime yesterday afternoon. The site worked fine for a couple of hours early this morning. But now it is back to taking forever to load anything.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/27/12 5:18 pm | #11750
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
I know where you're coming from on that and it sucks ass. Happened to me a few months back. I'm just glad I got 1000/1000 on games like Tales of Vesperia and Blue Dragon. I did have to start over on Skyrim after putting over 100 hours in it though.
Heres what you do.....get yourself a data transfer cabel & a software called xport. Connect you x360 hdd to your pc & run xport & you should be able to see all your files. Move all the save files to the pc (dont waste time transfering DLC that can be redownloaded) once all files have been moved format the HDD via your x360 then move all files bac........this happen to me a few years ago & i recovered everything except for some reason all the unlocable charecters in all my fighting games where gone but that was a small lost compared to starting EVERYTHING over.....hope this works for you good luc
Thanks I will try that. I tried hooking it up through the sata cable connection to my desktop but no luck. I'll try that and see what happens.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/27/12 7:00 pm | #11751
Quote by Jared:
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Why am I having so much trouble with this site? Takes 2-3 mins to get to it and if I click on any of the forums it takes another 5-6 mins to go to it. The is the only site that I've gone to that does this. Anyone else having this problem?
I've been having the same problem since sometime yesterday afternoon. The site worked fine for a couple of hours early this morning. But now it is back to taking forever to load anything.
same, and it won't even load on my iphone anymore.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/27/12 7:16 pm | #11752
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Jared:
I've been having the same problem since sometime yesterday afternoon. The site worked fine for a couple of hours early this morning. But now it is back to taking forever to load anything.
same, and it won't even load on my iphone anymore.
Yup, me too. Maybe this place is becoming so popular that it's gonna take a server upgrade to handle all of the new traffic?? 
Re: Random Thoughts
12/28/12 12:58 am | #11753
Yeah this is definitely taking forever. At first it wouldn't load on my phone, my iPad or my computer but it takes a few minutes now for it to do anything. Glad it's not just me.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/28/12 1:05 am | #11754
Yup. site's running slower than dog shit. I couldn't even get it to load up earlier today. I forgot I had a tab open waiting for it to load. Switched tabs and looked up ten minutes later and it was open.
Got back from Vegas this morning on the red eye. Was lucky to get in after that storm had passed CLE. I had a blast in Vegas and it was so awesome to celebrate my baby brother's wedding but if I never get back to Vegas it'll be too soon.
I could maybe stand a weekend in Vegas but five days is way too long to be surrounded by so many fucking people and 90% of them are of the Asian persuasion. And who the fuck brings there kids on vacation to Vegas?! I played some video poker and blackjack but never sat down at a real table. All I would've ended doing is losing a lot of money and pissing off everyone else at the table.
THE coolest slots in Vegas:
Re: Random Thoughts
12/28/12 6:08 am | #11755
I would really like to know why this site is moving so damn slow. Its getting really annoying.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/28/12 11:49 am | #11756
It is painfully slow. It has to be a server issue.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/28/12 12:18 pm | #11757
Has anyone asked the all powerful Oz / Jackson what is going on?
Re: Random Thoughts
12/28/12 2:54 pm | #11758
I have so many things to say and shouts to make but it takes too long!
The slowing down of the site has really put a damper on all the abusive messages I send to AJ and Meta. Just know I haven't forgotten, I just don't have the patience!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/28/12 4:43 pm | #11759
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Has anyone asked the all powerful Oz / Jackson what is going on?
Does anyone have a way to get in touch with him. I don't think he's on this site or xbox live much anymore.
Edit: Right now the site is actually moving at normal speed for me. Not sure for how long though. Hopefully its permanent.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11760
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