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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 3:04 am | #9241
Quote by LilCuyler:
AJ and Mini- this story is for you guys...
So just an hour ago I'm minding my own business driving home with my refreshing soda... Suddenly I see a possum crossing the road. Being the polite and courteous driver that I am, I slow down- pretty much to a stop, just to let the possum pass safely. Or so I thought, because as soon as I picked up speed *Thump, Ka-Tow, Bloop* I ran that thing over...
What the hell?!?!? I am just terrible.
Don't feel bad. Getting run over is the only worth while things possums do.
If wasn't for them the vultures would go hungry. There's a vulture somewhere thanking you for dinner.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 3:15 am | #9242
Quote by Junior:
Quote by BIGP 6:
he will retire undefeated......im a mayweather fan & i would love to see him lose not cause i want a scuff on his record i just wanna see whos got what i takes to put him down
Until he fights someone that is a real boxer with real skill, he will go down undefeated as the man who beat all the little guys who either had a lack of experience or were 10 years passed their prime.
I think Mayweather Jr. would get smacked by Pacquiao. But I don't think we would ever see that fight, as Mayweather is only in it for the money, and not in it for a beating.
I also think the De La Hoya before the Love CDs, would have beat Mayweather Jr. Mayweather Jr. waited until De La Hoya made 2 love song CDs and was out of his prime.
Mayweather Jr. is just a chump and a disgrace to boxing.
I've got to disagree as much as mayweather talks shit he backs it up. the only reason Pacquiao and mayweather didn't fight was because Pacquiao refused the first time to random drug testing, dude was on steroids and everyone knew but mayweather got blamed for it. If I was him even second time around I'd refuse on principle alone. the dude is a huge shit talker but by far top 5 boxers of all time.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 11:47 am | #9243
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by LilCuyler:
AJ and Mini- this story is for you guys...
So just an hour ago I'm minding my own business driving home with my refreshing soda... Suddenly I see a possum crossing the road. Being the polite and courteous driver that I am, I slow down- pretty much to a stop, just to let the possum pass safely. Or so I thought, because as soon as I picked up speed *Thump, Ka-Tow, Bloop* I ran that thing over...
What the hell?!?!? I am just terrible.
Don't feel bad. Getting run over is the only worth while things possums do.

If wasn't for them the vultures would go hungry. There's a vulture somewhere thanking you for dinner.
There aren't a lot of animals I feel this way about, but I agree with Irish. Possums straight up scare me. They're so mean, and those eyes and teeth!!! Those videos of the woman massaging her possum are so creepy. Although, come to think of it, you stopped like "go ahead possum, I won't hurt you!" then gave the possum enough time to get under your tire before taking off? That's cold, woman!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 12:36 pm | #9245
Quote by LilCuyler:
AJ and Mini- this story is for you guys...
So just an hour ago I'm minding my own business driving home with my refreshing soda... Suddenly I see a possum crossing the road. Being the polite and courteous driver that I am, I slow down- pretty much to a stop, just to let the possum pass safely. Or so I thought, because as soon as I picked up speed *Thump, Ka-Tow, Bloop* I ran that thing over...
What the hell?!?!? I am just terrible.
After I finished reading that, I just thought to myself, "yea, she's that bad at driving, I believe it."
Hilarious story though.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 2:09 pm | #9246
I drove to my school today around 12 to finish up a paper, and the library doesn't open until 3 pm...what college library doesn't open until 3 pm :l
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 2:10 pm | #9247
Quote by AJ:
Quote by LilCuyler:
AJ and Mini- this story is for you guys...
So just an hour ago I'm minding my own business driving home with my refreshing soda... Suddenly I see a possum crossing the road. Being the polite and courteous driver that I am, I slow down- pretty much to a stop, just to let the possum pass safely. Or so I thought, because as soon as I picked up speed *Thump, Ka-Tow, Bloop* I ran that thing over...
What the hell?!?!? I am just terrible.
After I finished reading that, I just thought to myself, "yea, she's that bad at driving, I believe it."
Hilarious story though.
I was thinking to myself, if you had tried to hit the thing, it probably would have been fine!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 2:16 pm | #9248
Quote by Kat:
Those videos of the woman massaging her possum are so creepy.
Usually I prefer the ones where women massage their beavers but now I'm curious.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 3:31 pm | #9249
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I drove to my school today around 12 to finish up a paper, and the library doesn't open until 3 pm...what college library doesn't open until 3 pm :l
Maybe the librarian likes to party too.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 3:35 pm | #9250
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Kat:
Those videos of the woman massaging her possum are so creepy.
Usually I prefer the ones where women massage their beavers but now I'm curious.
Does this work?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 3:55 pm | #9251
Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 4:18 pm | #9252
Lol@ possum massage. That lady has way too much time on her hands.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 4:18 pm | #9253
Quote by LilCuyler:
Lol@ possum massage. That lady has way too much time on her hands.
...and way too much possum
Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 4:23 pm | #9254
Oscar De La Hoya has beat plenty of great fighters. I won't even count Gatti or Whitaker.
Mayorga,Vargas,Quartey,Ceasar Chavez x2, M.Gonzales, Leija etc.
He definitely beat Trinidad but got robbed by the judges.
I think he beat Mosley in the first fight but again got robbed. And in De La Hoya vs Mosley II, Mosley admitted to using steroids specifically for that bout.
I think he probably would have beat Mayweather in his prime but put up a great fight as a old man.
I don't think he could have beat Hopkins in his prime however due to clashing styles.
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