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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 9:44 pm | #9226
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Kat:
Marzipan... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
For breakfast, Mini!! What else?? 
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 9:58 pm | #9227
I was regaling some kids about my legendary "Pokemon" exploits back in my handheld days. Man times have changed...Charizard is not considered good anymore and Power Rangers are no longer color coordinated by ethnicity! I'm offically a old man at 25.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 10:02 pm | #9228
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Kat:
Marzipan... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Why are you posting a pic of your penis??? And why do you dress it like a girl and give it a guitar?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 10:02 pm | #9229
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
I was regaling some kids about my legendary "Pokemon" exploits back in my handheld days. Man times have changed...Charizard is not considered good anymore and Power Rangers are no longer color coordinated by ethnicity! I'm offically a old man at 25.
Dude I know! I was saying the same thing to the younger roommate here, how my Charizard would pretty much run a train over anything he had. He responded with some made-up fake word and said there are 600+ pokeymans and I felt so old and tired at 28
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 10:22 pm | #9230
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Minioger:
Why are you posting a pic of your penis??? And why do you dress it like a girl and give it a guitar?
I always thought it was a broom
But my penis is quite talented apparently....
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 10:24 pm | #9231
^^^ who is this Charizard of which you speak? Was he one of the Snorks?
Yep, yall just got a Snorks reference...
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 10:52 pm | #9232
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/12 11:21 pm | #9233
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Kat:
Marzipan... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Homestar Runner used to be the shit! I loved Strongbad's emails!
Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 12:20 am | #9234
AJ and Mini- this story is for you guys...
So just an hour ago I'm minding my own business driving home with my refreshing soda... Suddenly I see a possum crossing the road. Being the polite and courteous driver that I am, I slow down- pretty much to a stop, just to let the possum pass safely. Or so I thought, because as soon as I picked up speed *Thump, Ka-Tow, Bloop* I ran that thing over...
What the hell?!?!? I am just terrible.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 12:24 am | #9235
speaking of retro netflix has a bunch of old stuff from the late 70's and 80's-
spider man
Gi joe
the mysterious cities of gold
any way i was just going to post about the damn gamer tag change price, dose anyone else think it's a bit much especially if you only want a damn letter added? xmegamer82(xmeNgamer82)
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 1:30 am | #9236
Quote by LilCuyler:
AJ and Mini- this story is for you guys...
So just an hour ago I'm minding my own business driving home with my refreshing soda... Suddenly I see a possum crossing the road. Being the polite and courteous driver that I am, I slow down- pretty much to a stop, just to let the possum pass safely. Or so I thought, because as soon as I picked up speed *Thump, Ka-Tow, Bloop* I ran that thing over...
What the hell?!?!? I am just terrible.
I hit a dog once on accident because he liked to sit on the porch and when I would drive by going home, he would try to go after my front tires. Felt horrible. Didn't kill it though. I drove by the house a week later and it had one of those giant cones around its neck and a cast on its leg. But then about a week after that he was chasing my car again.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 1:42 am | #9237
I wish Mayweather Jr. would freakin lose already. sick of him and boxing already. He needs to get dropped and forced into retirement.
Only reason he fights every once and a while, is so he can afford his next set of big rims.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/06/12 2:04 am | #9239
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Junior:
I wish Mayweather Jr. would freakin lose already. sick of him and boxing already. He needs to get dropped and forced into retirement.
Only reason he fights every once and a while, is so he can afford his next set of big rims.
he will retire undefeated......im a mayweather fan & i would love to see him lose not cause i want a scuff on his record i just wanna see whos got what i takes to put him down
Until he fights someone that is a real boxer with real skill, he will go down undefeated as the man who beat all the little guys who either had a lack of experience or were 10 years passed their prime.
I think Mayweather Jr. would get smacked by Pacquiao. But I don't think we would ever see that fight, as Mayweather is only in it for the money, and not in it for a beating.
I also think the De La Hoya before the Love CDs, would have beat Mayweather Jr. Mayweather Jr. waited until De La Hoya made 2 love song CDs and was out of his prime.
Mayweather Jr. is just a chump and a disgrace to boxing.
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