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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
04/28/12 4:50 pm | #9076
@Vermillion, yes - it was an elite.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/28/12 9:13 pm | #9077
Thanks for the imput! Stupid temperamental Xbox's.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 8:59 pm | #9078
i can't believe the random sports thread was just closed instead of pming the members in the arguments and deleting the posts.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 9:02 pm | #9079
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
i can't believe the random sports thread was just closed instead of pming the members in the arguments and deleting the posts.
Yea seems to me that everyone is attacking everyone else over some dumb shit that's pointless lol
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 9:02 pm | #9080
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
i can't believe the random sports thread was just closed instead of pming the members in the arguments and deleting the posts.
Maybe you just didn't get a PM.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 9:04 pm | #9081
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
i can't believe the random sports thread was just closed instead of pming the members in the arguments and deleting the posts.
Maybe you just didn't get a PM.
I didn't, but I don't think a thread that's gone on that long should be closed due to an argument.
that's like closing this thread if you and me had an argument, just delete the posts, reprimand, and move on. IMO at least.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 9:06 pm | #9082
Well as there were no moderators on at the point, it was the appropriate thing to do, instead of letting it go into a giant flame war.
It will probably open again before long, but not until its been looked at.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 9:07 pm | #9083
woooooo last night started doing shot roulette at midnight and drank through 6 am. fucking the guy of the house made a shit rule that made us mix our drinks if we rolled doubles. Jack and Baileys DOES NOT taste good nor goes down good. demolished all, no one was safe. got 3 hours of sleep, got up and started again at another friends house with a shit ton of Jäger. ive been sick most of today........
forgot to mention after all the dust settled we grabbed our box of paper shot glasses and found out of 200 we pretty much downed half of them. so between 17 people over 100 shots with 18 different liquors.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 9:07 pm | #9084
Quote by Minioger:
Well as there were no moderators on at the point, it was the appropriate thing to do, instead of letting it go into a giant flame war.
It will probably open again before long, but not until its been looked at.
Oh I agree I'm not saying it was wrong thing to do or anything just notice alot of attacking over dumb stuff. Kinda sad though I just hope it ends so it stays a good site
Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 9:12 pm | #9085
Yeah, Mini pretty much summed up the warning I got.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 10:15 pm | #9086
Seems like the Evols and their crew strike again, in forcing another member to leave XBA. Must be nice to have your friends as moderator, cause your asses would have been banned a long time ago, if it were my choice.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 10:17 pm | #9087
Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 10:21 pm | #9088
Ugh thought this was a friendly site?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 10:27 pm | #9089
Quote by Zulwarn420:
Ugh thought this was a friendly site?
It is, but it's still a site full of people with opinions. You know how some people are about sports!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/29/12 10:33 pm | #9090
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Zulwarn420:
Ugh thought this was a friendly site?
It is, but it's still a site full of people with opinions. You know how some people are about sports!
Yea I know but it's sports I mean come on lol
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