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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 5:25 am | #9031
First dragged ass collecting 160 Fragments on Final Fantasy 13-2 which total game time took 60hrs to get all 160
Now i am dragging ass with these simple Protector Trials on Bioshock 2 PC, and I only have 2 more maps to Ace, and then do the bonus trials and I am done... Only have invested like 90min in these trials
I dunno whats wrong with me, lol. 60hrs or 2 1/2 hours....Hmmm, which is easier?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 9:49 am | #9032
Quote by Junior:
First dragged ass collecting 160 Fragments on Final Fantasy 13-2 which total game time took 60hrs to get all 160
Now i am dragging ass with these simple Protector Trials on Bioshock 2 PC, and I only have 2 more maps to Ace, and then do the bonus trials and I am done... Only have invested like 90min in these trials
I dunno whats wrong with me, lol. 60hrs or 2 1/2 hours....Hmmm, which is easier?
Try grinding a game on hard to get one of the 147 titles for a game that is 150+ Hours for a measly 20 GS
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 11:09 am | #9033
Quote by CRAWFORD:
Man I can not wait for Minecraft to come out. Plus the achievements are all super easy. Gonna be a sweet/chill game!
My kids want that game, too. Badly. I have never played the PC game but it sure looks cool.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 4:26 pm | #9034
Just got a code for the Hybrid beta. I get to play it on the 27th.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 8:05 pm | #9035
FINALLY beat that retarded mayhem 3D level :D :D
Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 8:25 pm | #9036
The beast known as Megatron will grace the cover of Madden 13 
But EA still sucks dick
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 8:41 pm | #9037
Quote by Detroit:
The beast known as Megatron will grace the cover of Madden 13
But EA still sucks dick
that is pretty beast but agreed EA is still gay..XBA boycott vs EA
Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 9:17 pm | #9038
I wish everyone would go to bed!! I want to hit up a drive thru, get some classy fast food, gorge myself and fire up the Xbox.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 9:36 pm | #9039
Quote by LilCuyler:
I wish everyone would go to bed!! I want to hit up a drive thru, get some classy fast food, gorge myself and fire up the toilet.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 9:45 pm | #9040
Quote by Detroit:
The beast known as Megatron will grace the cover of Madden 13
But EA still sucks dick
This might be the first Madden I buy new as I've been a big fan of CJ since his days at GT.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 10:27 pm | #9041
Did anyone catch Mr. Garrison teaching the kids about Game of Thrones on South Park? Made me giggle a little...
Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 10:57 pm | #9042
My college writing teacher is like biggest push over ever lol. She is such a nice lady... Nobody really abuses her but its like she is afraid to give out shitty/honest grades. For the class we had to do 4 papers... (working on the fourth now) and we took a midterm that was just TEN FUCKING QUESTIONS. And the question were just putting down whether or not a sentence was a fragment or a complete sentence.
Easiest A I have ever gotten.
Also about her not giving honest grades... 3 of 4 papers have been TERRIBLE.. lol or maybe OKAY at best. Ive done them all the night before or even a couple hours before class and she keeps giving me A's! lol I love this lady. Honestly for my last paper.. im just gonna take a paper I did last semester and switch it up a bit
. I dont really feel like grinding out 8+ pages of bullshit tonight
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/25/12 11:27 pm | #9043
Quote by AJ:
Quote by LilCuyler:
I wish everyone would go to bed!! I want to hit up a drive thru, get some classy fast food, gorge myself and fire up the toilet.
You are a fortune teller, good sir.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/26/12 12:24 am | #9045
Quote by Brandon:
I hate being single. Women are so freaking confusing. I'm gonna start taking my man 50 cent advice, fuck bitches....get money
and as tupac would say M.O.B..money over bitches
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