Random Thoughts
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Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by Junior:
Fuck that bro. I used to work at Gamestop, and when and if someone goofed it, they would get either a warning, writeup, or pay the deficit they goofed it on.
Never would they try to trail a customer, and put shit on them. If it were me, I would find a new gamestop location if you prefer to shop there, and cut off all ties with that specific one. I wouldn't pay them a cent for their goof up.
Sorry for the double post here . The problem here is the guy that made the mistake is also the store manager. And I will never shop at another Gamestop after this bs.
I wasn't jealous, but I did get rather tired of rolling my eyes every time I had to hear about it.
And the worst part was, he didn't even get anything I wanted to play.
Quote by Circus:
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
I despise gamestop now. The guy left me three messages which he accused me of stealing it and he seems hell bent on me paying for the game I already paid for. It's so bad I just reported it to the police....since I'm in a he said, he said situation here.

fuck yeah. tell them your encounter with the gamestop employee wasnt at all satisfying and you need a new ending.

Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I used my credit card, but the problem is somehow the guy rang it up as Modern Warfare 3 and it says that on the receipt.
How could the receipt say Modern Warfare 3 unless he scanned a copy of MW3. That copy of MW3 has to be somewhere right. Whether it's still at the store or the douche took it home with him.

Three giant alien spaceships are again heading for Earth! Scientists predict the new ships will arrive in November of 2012.
UFO encounters continue to increase – as documented on WWN. And today scientists at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent non-commercial organization, made a major announcement:
“Three giant spaceships are heading toward Earth. The largest one of them is 200 miles wide. Two others are slightly smaller. At present, the objects are just moving past Jupiter. Judging by their speed, they should be on Earth by the fall of 2012,” said John Malley, the lead extraterrestrial expert at SETI.
Three similar giant ships landed in China and the Indonesia Sea in November, 2011. They were identified as alien spaceships from Planet Gootan. Three more giant Gootan ships are headed her for November, 2012.
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by IRiSH:
How could the receipt say Modern Warfare 3 unless he scanned a copy of MW3. That copy of MW3 has to be somewhere right. Whether it's still at the store or the douche took it home with him.

I was paying attention. What happen was I went into the store and walked right up to the counter and asked the guy for a copy of The Witcher 2. He pick up a copy of the Witcher 2, scanned it and I paid for it. He then put the game in a bag with the receipt and I left the store and that's what happen.
It's time for you to call corporate - CEO Paul Raines - their corporate offices are in Grapevine, Texas.
I would also call your credit card company.
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by Junior:
Fuck that bro. I used to work at Gamestop, and when and if someone goofed it, they would get either a warning, writeup, or pay the deficit they goofed it on.
Never would they try to trail a customer, and put shit on them. If it were me, I would find a new gamestop location if you prefer to shop there, and cut off all ties with that specific one. I wouldn't pay them a cent for their goof up.
Sorry for the double post here . The problem here is the guy that made the mistake is also the store manager. And I will never shop at another Gamestop after this bs.
That store manager sucks ass then. He just has to do an inventory count and see that he goofed it. He will see he has 1 extra of mw3 and 1 less of witcher2. Then he just corrects the inventory count and he would have no shrink. And that's being positive and assuming he and his asst manager are doing proper counts.
What a moron. Tell him to goggle some balls and to stfu.
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by IRiSH:
How could the receipt say Modern Warfare 3 unless he scanned a copy of MW3. That copy of MW3 has to be somewhere right. Whether it's still at the store or the douche took it home with him.

I was paying attention. What happen was I went into the store and walked right up to the counter and asked the guy for a copy of The Witcher 2. He pick up a copy of the Witcher 2, scanned it and I paid for it. He then put the game in a bag with the receipt and I left the store and that's what happen.
That still doesn't explain why your receipt says MW3 on it. My only other question would be how the fucktard got your phone number to call you and threaten you. That alone should be a terminable violation of company policy and I imagine you'd be within your rights to file harassment charges with your local police if he called you multiple times.
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