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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/11/12 7:58 pm | #8236
Quote by iKidd:
Finally got the Silver Waffle....100,000 Woot Woot!
Congrats again sir!!!
Re: Random Thoughts
02/11/12 8:59 pm | #8237
I just read that Whitney Houston was found dead....She was 48.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/11/12 10:21 pm | #8238
this is my 1k post
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/11/12 10:29 pm | #8239
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I just read that Whitney Houston was found dead....She was 48.
That's what happens when you spend 28 of those on crack.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/12/12 12:20 am | #8240
Saints Row The Third is such an ass game. Their fucking website doesn't even work, so getting the 10gs achievement for uploading a character isn't possible. How stupid.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/12/12 12:25 am | #8241
Quote by AJ:
Saints Row The Third is such an ass game. Their fucking website doesn't even work, so getting the 10gs achievement for uploading a character isn't possible. How stupid.
You dont have to go onto their website to get that achievement. You can do it right in game. (Unless they changed it, but I was able to get it from the game's main menu)
Re: Random Thoughts
02/12/12 12:35 am | #8242
It just says the servers are unavailable. I tried at the main menu, in the clothing store and broke down and made an account to see if that would let me do it. Nothing. Shitty servers can't detect the website.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/12/12 1:01 am | #8243
Quote by AJ:
It just says the servers are unavailable. I tried at the main menu, in the clothing store and broke down and made an account to see if that would let me do it. Nothing. Shitty servers can't detect the website.
It was doing this when the game first launched too, I just kept hitting upload like 4 or 5 times and it finally went through...
Re: Random Thoughts
02/13/12 6:55 pm | #8244
Good news...
Last sunday it was my kid's seventh birthday; in some of the party favors, there were fake tattoos, and some of them were Justin Bieber's.
NONE of the kids wanted those. They were like "ewwww... justin bieber sucks..."
Now with the bad news...
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/13/12 7:55 pm | #8245
Quote by Revelation1318:
Good news...
Last sunday it was my kid's seventh birthday; in some of the party favors, there were fake tattoos, and some of them were Justin Bieber's.
NONE of the kids wanted those. They were like
"ewwww... justin bieber sucks..."
Now with the bad news...
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That must be your arm Rev.
In other news, I just realized I have 9 referrals.......Damn I need 1 more.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/13/12 7:58 pm | #8246
uh oh I see someone has a case of Bieber fever!!
Re: Random Thoughts
02/13/12 8:18 pm | #8247
almost there pure-evil
Re: Random Thoughts
02/14/12 2:14 am | #8248
Re: Random Thoughts
02/14/12 7:27 pm | #8249
Last night at one of the nearby Wal-marts, I spotted a new energy drink named something like "outdoor energy." It is literally marketed to hunters & rednecks--the 3 flavors come in safety orange, camouflage, and white snow camo. The main camo flavor also has an HD logo on it (i guess the flavor is high definition?) and all of the cans say "NOT FOR CITY BOYS." right over the UPC code.
Truly, I am frightened by my fellow crazy white folks. The last thing in the world they need is to be hopped up on the same sugar-speed-crack their kids drink...
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/14/12 7:30 pm | #8250
Oh, gosh...who let my father in law onto the internet??? 
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