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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
06/04/10 4:21 pm | #676
RANT - Why do you have to tell me your problems? Do I look like a shrink? Is it because you have a 'captive' audience? Is it because I am working right here + I will not be moving for several hours? Let me save you some time...I DON'T CARE! GO AWAY! LEAVE ME TO WORK IN PEACE! I don't care that your P*O*S* husband cheated on you + used lots of drugs! I am here to get a project done + get paid! Nothing more! Go find someone or something else to occupy your time! For example - video games (console or PC), internet porn (have fun), internet gambling, internet forums (choose one from your long list of favorite subjects), bang your head against a wall or just jump off of a very high bridge. LEAVE ME ALONE, let me get done, then pay me! - END OF RANT -
Re: Random Thoughts
06/04/10 4:27 pm | #677
Take it easy Mo, not everything is bad news... I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/04/10 4:36 pm | #678
Quote by Revelation1318:
Take it easy Mo, not everything is bad news... I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
I already switched to Geico. I saved more than 20% on my commercial auto insurance. But, right now, I am just blowing off some steam. Don't mind me, I am just in need of a few ice cold beers and everything will be fine. Until then, keep your hands a feet away from the shredders.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 2:59 pm | #679
Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 3:07 pm | #680
Sorry to hear that Brie. Make Kait pay you for all those sammiches.
On a lighter note, we're getting our first Panda Express here soon. They are already hiring. Can anyone tell me how it rates in comparison to it's competition?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 3:13 pm | #681
The same thing happened to me in the early 90's with a bank in Seattle. I paid them back in full, but I think it may have shaved a few years off of my life. The stress was awful. Go to the bank and tell them what might happen or work out a plan to pay them back (that's what I did). Don't run from it, they will catch you (that's what a friend of mine did). Good luck. Communication is the key.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 3:45 pm | #682
i'm done with mcdonalds. totally done.
i ordered my usual today... 2 double cheese burgers, no pickle no onion.
i get home, and of course they're stacked with the shit.
on top of THAT, they forgot the ketchup! one of them even had BACON on it!!!
(not complaining about the bacon but seriously. WTF?)
Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 3:58 pm | #683
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 3:59 pm | #684
Quote by Noah 9000:
i'm done with mcdonalds. totally done.
i ordered my usual today... 2 double cheese burgers, no pickle no onion.
i get home, and of course they're stacked with the shit.
on top of THAT, they forgot the ketchup! one of them even had BACON on it!!!
(not complaining about the bacon but seriously. WTF?)
No pickle, no onion? Seriously?
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 4:03 pm | #685
Quote by PureEvil x21:
No pickle, no onion? Seriously?
that shit's for barbarians.
you're not a barbarian, are you anthony?
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 4:03 pm | #686
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Noah 9000:
i'm done with mcdonalds. totally done.
i ordered my usual today... 2 double cheese burgers, no pickle no onion.
i get home, and of course they're stacked with the shit.
on top of THAT, they forgot the ketchup! one of them even had BACON on it!!!
(not complaining about the bacon but seriously. WTF?)
No pickle, no onion? Seriously?

Maybe if they used real onions and not those nasty-ass dehydrated onion flakes.
At least if you special order something there's a chance you'll get a fresh burger and not one that's been sitting around for a half hour. McDonalds is total shit. I haven't eaten there in years.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 6:01 pm | #687
I love McDonalds.
I hate when my roomie is a cunt.
I'm broke.
Wicked is really sweet, and I'm glad I got to see it.
My new hard drive rules (500gb), and I'm currently spending all my time reinstalling everything.
I miss video games.
The end.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/07/10 11:24 pm | #688
Im bored as fuck.
Im bored of all my games!
I want a nice long single player game.
I might buy Mass Effect 2 so atleast 40 hours of my life can be wasted.
Im hungry and thirsty, but there is nothing to eat in my house.
I want/somewhat need a job.
Thats....just about it.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/08/10 3:18 am | #689
Ugh I miss my girlfriend sooo badly.. This sucks.
On a different note.. Video games are being boring and BIKING IS AWESOME! Working up to be able to do a 1 foot bunny hop
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/08/10 9:48 pm | #690
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Ugh I miss my girlfriend sooo badly.. This sucks.
On a different note.. Video games are being boring and BIKING IS AWESOME! Working up to be able to do a 1 foot bunny hop

Check your quich releases frequently, I ended up in the hospital because I didn't.
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