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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
05/25/10 11:24 pm | #631
Relationship problems really blow... And it's not even us fighting or us at all.. Me and her are fine. It's just everything else

. I hope these hard times pass.. I'm a very sad panda

Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 3:37 pm | #633
Quote by Tom Auditore de Firenze:
Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 4:26 pm | #634
I couldn't help but notice our most recent member says he lives
in Cleveland but his region is set as Vermont.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 4:26 pm | #635
Quote by Tom Auditore de Firenze:
That changed my life
Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 6:59 pm | #636
i don't like any female singers.
not trying to sound sexist, but they just annoy me.
ESPECIALLY the chick from evanescence or however you spell it.
i can't stand her voice. uggggghhhh.
i guess i don't mind the female vocals from "dark side of the moon" but that's about it.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 7:14 pm | #638
Quote by Noah 9000:
i don't like any female singers.
not trying to sound sexist, but they just annoy me.
ESPECIALLY the chick from evanescence or however you spell it.
i can't stand her voice. uggggghhhh.
i guess i don't mind the female vocals from "dark side of the moon" but that's about it.
It's cool, Noah. We all know you like dudes.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 8:53 pm | #639
We had a hail storm today. Just 2 hours north of us, the ski lifts are still running. This has been a really strange spring.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 9:13 pm | #640
Quote by Noah 9000:
i don't like any female singers.
not trying to sound sexist, but they just annoy me.
ESPECIALLY the chick from evanescence or however you spell it.
i can't stand her voice. uggggghhhh.
i guess i don't mind the female vocals from "dark side of the moon" but that's about it.
This is so sad. The girl from evanescence has an amazing voice! So does Jesse James, Jordan Sparks, and Christina Aguilera (as much as she's a dumb whore). Besides, how can you not like Britney? Everyone has to like Britney. She is my pride and joy! And don't you people come and quote me and insult her, because I will be very sad

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all....this time haha. For Brie's sake!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 9:44 pm | #641
Quote by x Brie Bear x:
Quote by Noah 9000:
i don't like any female singers.
not trying to sound sexist, but they just annoy me.
ESPECIALLY the chick from evanescence or however you spell it.
i can't stand her voice. uggggghhhh.
i guess i don't mind the female vocals from "dark side of the moon" but that's about it.
This is so sad. The girl from evanescence has an amazing voice! So does Jesse James, Jordan Sparks, and Christina Aguilera (as much as she's a dumb whore). Besides,
how can you not like Britney? Everyone has to like Britney. She is my pride and joy! And don't you people come and quote me and insult her, because I will be very sad

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all....this time haha. For Brie's sake!
are you talking about spears? LOL!
i'm sorry, but i don't think you're going to find a male here who listens to her.
at least not one who will admit it, lol.
@ AJ, you know i love guys.
@ jen, well, i wouldn't know. as soon as you start singing i leave the room.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 9:49 pm | #642
Quote by Noah 9000:
are you talking about spears? LOL!
i'm sorry, but i don't think you're going to find a male here who listens to her.
at least not one who will admit it, lol.
Duh, Britney is famous enough to not have to have a last name attached for someone to know who I'm talking about
And whoever likes Britney on this forum and is willing to admit it, lets be new best friends
Kait, that DOESN'T include you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 9:51 pm | #643
Quote by x Brie Bear x:
Quote by Noah 9000:
are you talking about spears? LOL!
i'm sorry, but i don't think you're going to find a male here who listens to her.
at least not one who will admit it, lol.
Duh, Britney is famous enough to not have to have a last name attached for someone to know who I'm talking about
And whoever likes Britney on this forum and is willing to admit it, lets be new best friends
Kait, that DOESN'T include you.
I <3 Britney - are we best friends yet?
Sext me later
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 9:52 pm | #644
Quote by AJ:
Quote by x Brie Bear x:
Duh, Britney is famous enough to not have to have a last name attached for someone to know who I'm talking about
And whoever likes Britney on this forum and is willing to admit it, lets be new best friends
Kait, that DOESN'T include you.
I <3 Britney - are we best friends yet?
Sext me later

i'm never talking to AJ again. EVER.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/27/10 11:43 pm | #645
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