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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 12:35 pm | #5176
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Random Thought - She Frigging found me.
In 1991, I got a job a hotel in downtown Bellevue, WA., at an upscale hotel. The staff there was @ 100 employees. I was 23 and I became involved with another member of the staff; she was 34 and absolutely beautiful. What I didn't know and she wasn't telling me, was that she was married.
We got 'busy' everywhere. Break rooms, hallways, stairwells, courtyards, rooftops, elevator machinery rooms - you name the place, we got busy there.
One a Sunday morning I was woken at 5am by her husband at my front door. I apologized to him as I didn't know that she was married. He seemed relieved and almost laughed at me. As it turns out, she was a flipping whack-o female. Insane or something there-abouts. He told me he was taking his children and running away. He asked me to 'distract' her for the weekend. I thought to myself 'no problem'!!
Oh, if I had only known.....
Over the next 2 years, 3 job changes, 2 moves, a lot of really great sex and the absolute nightmare of all relationships - she became MY stalker.
No wonder he laughed. FUCKER!! Her husband didn't give me ANY warning. It took me 4 years to get away from this psychotic nightmare and 20 years later, she has found me.
To say the least, I am a little shaken. The TRO is long since expired.
I smell a plot for a made for TV movie on the Lifetime network or something. Thats a crazy story.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 12:55 pm | #5177
Quote by Ricky:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Random Thought - She Frigging found me.
In 1991, I got a job a hotel in downtown Bellevue, WA., at an upscale hotel. The staff there was @ 100 employees. I was 23 and I became involved with another member of the staff; she was 34 and absolutely beautiful. What I didn't know and she wasn't telling me, was that she was married.
We got 'busy' everywhere. Break rooms, hallways, stairwells, courtyards, rooftops, elevator machinery rooms - you name the place, we got busy there.
One a Sunday morning I was woken at 5am by her husband at my front door. I apologized to him as I didn't know that she was married. He seemed relieved and almost laughed at me. As it turns out, she was a flipping whack-o female. Insane or something there-abouts. He told me he was taking his children and running away. He asked me to 'distract' her for the weekend. I thought to myself 'no problem'!!
Oh, if I had only known.....
Over the next 2 years, 3 job changes, 2 moves, a lot of really great sex and the absolute nightmare of all relationships - she became MY stalker.
No wonder he laughed. FUCKER!! Her husband didn't give me ANY warning. It took me 4 years to get away from this psychotic nightmare and 20 years later, she has found me.
To say the least, I am a little shaken. The TRO is long since expired.
I smell a plot for a made for TV movie on the Lifetime network or something. Thats a crazy story.
More like "Dear Penthouse...."
But in all seriousness that sucks. Thank goodness I have no psychotic ex-stalkers (well at least that I know about).
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 1:22 pm | #5178
Quote by Minioger:
More like "Dear Penthouse...."
But in all seriousness that sucks. Thank goodness I have no psychotic ex-stalkers (well at least that I know about).
I called you like 37 times yesterday! Why aren't you returning my calls any more? It was bad enough that I had to call your parents at work pretending I was your doctor returning your herpes test results just to get your new unlisted number.
I'm beginning to think you don't love me anymore.
I forgive you!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 1:25 pm | #5179
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Minioger:
More like "Dear Penthouse...."
But in all seriousness that sucks. Thank goodness I have no psychotic ex-stalkers (well at least that I know about).
I called you like 37 times yesterday! Why aren't you returning my calls any more? It was bad enough that I had to call your parents at work pretending I was your doctor returning your herpes test results just to get your new unlisted number.
I'm beginning to think you don't love me anymore.
I forgive you!
You aren't my ex. You are just my regular stalker

We would have had to date for you to be my ex.
When the stalkers leave, its the first sign your career is slipping.....
Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 1:38 pm | #5180
She called my home phone one day 168 times. Nope. Not kidding. That was WITH the TRO.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 3:49 pm | #5182
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by IRiSH:
What a pussy.

He couldn't stomach even finishing the Patrol Desk?
The thing is I don't get a lot of time to game anymore, so sadly I spend time on either games that I really love, (Portal 2, Crackdown, Hexic, Bejeweled, etc.) or games that I can get over 80% of the gamerscore easily. This game falls into neither category.
I had to stop before I got any points in it or be forced to be married to this game for far longer than I would like to be. I already have 2 rockstar games that are dragging my completion percentage down because Rockstar is simply unable make a game that I can personally stick with until completion.
There can just be no denying that I don't like how R* makes games.
Come on! If I can complete it, you can. This was by far an easier completion than both GTA4 and RDR because there's no fucking MP or co-op cheevos. I've earned the 100% completion cheevo on all three and LA Noire is by far the easiest. The only time consuming cheevo was finding all the cars. The Social Club website has a map of all the gold film cans, newspapers and street crimes and Wikicheats has a great guide for 5 starring all the cases and finding the cars.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 3:56 pm | #5183
Congrats to Melissa on the 100,000!!
Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 4:26 pm | #5184
Just wrote my LAST FINAL EXAM IN MY HIGHSCHOOL CAREER! Now if June 30th would hurry up so I can graduate >_<
Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 4:36 pm | #5185
congrats man.
side note i really want fried chicken and pizza....but I can't eat it yet
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 4:47 pm | #5186
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
congrats man.
side note i really want fried chicken and pizza....but I can't eat it yet

Man I wasn't out of the surgery center 10 minutes and I had me some KFC. I pretty much ate everything right away.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 5:01 pm | #5187
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
Congrats to Melissa on the 100,000!! 
Yay, congrats!!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/27/11 5:16 pm | #5188
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
congrats man.
side note i really want fried chicken and pizza....but I can't eat it yet

Man I wasn't out of the surgery center 10 minutes and I had me some KFC. I pretty much ate everything right away.
yeah still my tonsils, my parents won't let me eat it until I get the ok from the doctor on thursday. Then I can finally leave my house and shit lol. Funny thing is I don't really eat fried chicken too often but once I couldn't I really wanted it for some reason.
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