Random Thoughts
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Quote by kroberts11:
Boo England?? What's the reasoning behind this, i must ask!! lol
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
Quote by kroberts11:
Boo England?? What's the reasoning behind this, i must ask!! lol
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
What?! My sense of humor must be on the fritz, cause I don't understand how the lol fits in that sentence.
Well there is nothing funny about it, for some reason lol is just a force of habit now...but yeah, a$$holes ran off without paying me back and I would like to see his score reset

so once again....is anyone willing to help? I think I might be able to spare a 4000 point ms card....lol
Trust me I know someone that can do it for you because he fucked my gamertag up lol would he be pissed if you reset him? haha
Quote by kroberts11:
Would posters cheer you up? I have like 4 or so to send you.
Quote by MizTian Cage:
Quote by kroberts11:
Would posters cheer you up? I have like 4 or so to send you.
I <3 you like a fat kid loves cake.

Quote by kroberts11:
I know. AJ had a great idea too...I should have just left it at 1....lol
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by theEVOL1:
LOL! Yeah, I was really expecting more than a long CSI... and since in CSI you don't have to follow people, and it has puzzles you actually have to think to solve, I kind of prefer CSI for that kind of game.

Oops, guess Evol was signed in. Didn't think about it. Hahaha, Evol actually hated the game so much in just the first case that he took it out before he got an achievement, and said "Nope, not for me."
What a pussy.

The thing is I don't get a lot of time to game anymore, so sadly I spend time on either games that I really love, (Portal 2, Crackdown, Hexic, Bejeweled, etc.) or games that I can get over 80% of the gamerscore easily. This game falls into neither category.
I had to stop before I got any points in it or be forced to be married to this game for far longer than I would like to be. I already have 2 rockstar games that are dragging my completion percentage down because Rockstar is simply unable make a game that I can personally stick with until completion.
There can just be no denying that I don't like how R* makes games.
In 1991, I got a job a hotel in downtown Bellevue, WA., at an upscale hotel. The staff there was @ 100 employees. I was 23 and I became involved with another member of the staff; she was 34 and absolutely beautiful. What I didn't know and she wasn't telling me, was that she was married.
We got 'busy' everywhere. Break rooms, hallways, stairwells, courtyards, rooftops, elevator machinery rooms - you name the place, we got busy there.
One a Sunday morning I was woken at 5am by her husband at my front door. I apologized to him as I didn't know that she was married. He seemed relieved and almost laughed at me. As it turns out, she was a flipping whack-o female. Insane or something there-abouts. He told me he was taking his children and running away. He asked me to 'distract' her for the weekend. I thought to myself 'no problem'!!
Oh, if I had only known.....
Over the next 2 years, 3 job changes, 2 moves, a lot of really great sex and the absolute nightmare of all relationships - she became MY stalker.
No wonder he laughed. FUCKER!! Her husband didn't give me ANY warning. It took me 4 years to get away from this psychotic nightmare and 20 years later, she has found me.
To say the least, I am a little shaken. The TRO is long since expired.
um wtf lol RUNNNN
how'd she find you after so long
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
In 1991, I got a job a hotel in downtown Bellevue, WA., at an upscale hotel. The staff there was @ 100 employees. I was 23 and I became involved with another member of the staff; she was 34 and absolutely beautiful. What I didn't know and she wasn't telling me, was that she was married.
We got 'busy' everywhere. Break rooms, hallways, stairwells, courtyards, rooftops, elevator machinery rooms - you name the place, we got busy there.
One a Sunday morning I was woken at 5am by her husband at my front door. I apologized to him as I didn't know that she was married. He seemed relieved and almost laughed at me. As it turns out, she was a flipping whack-o female. Insane or something there-abouts. He told me he was taking his children and running away. He asked me to 'distract' her for the weekend. I thought to myself 'no problem'!!
Oh, if I had only known.....
Over the next 2 years, 3 job changes, 2 moves, a lot of really great sex and the absolute nightmare of all relationships - she became MY stalker.
No wonder he laughed. FUCKER!! Her husband didn't give me ANY warning. It took me 4 years to get away from this psychotic nightmare and 20 years later, she has found me.
To say the least, I am a little shaken. The TRO is long since expired.

You ignored the biggest red flag ever!!
When the husband of the woman that you have been fucking comes to your house and doesn't beat your ass, something's up.
If said man asks you to run interference while he flees, you should be trying your damnedest to outrun him!!
You bought it, sir!
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