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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/28/11 10:47 pm | #5236
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Marriage is something totally different than being together. All she is doing is biding her time till she gets you down the aisle. Then all the excuses come in as to why she can't do the horizontal dance. Or the reasons why you can't go out drinking with your friends and need to stay home with her.
I'll give you a couple pointers that will help you out during your marriage:
If she tells you that she can't have sex due to a headache, you tell her that you can sprinkle some aspirin on your dick and then ask her if she would like to take it orally or supository.
The question that will most rapidly drive fear into the heart of any many is, “Honey, do I look fat in this?” If you are approached with this question, falling to the floor in a mock coma is recommended.
And last, just a couple jokes I remembered:
Marriage is not a word. It's a sentence....(a life sentence!).
Marriage is a 3-ring circus - engagement ring, wedding ring and Suffering.
A happy marriage is a matter of give and take; the husband gives and the wife takes.
Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, and when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that.
*Sigh* Jerk.
I swear, the people who write those jokes are just in awful marriages and would be better off divorced.
Marriage IS different than being together- no matter how long, though, I'll give badshadow that. But it's in a good way!

Evol and I decided that marriage magnifies the feelings you have about the other person- minor irritations become insufferable, but if all you have is love for each other it is magnified to a nearly unbearable amount!

Of course I'm obsesssed with my husband to a near stalker level!
With all the jokes aside. I will tell marriage is a wonderful thing. When you find that right person that is your equal but still has the ability to challenge you is what it is all about. Finding that one right person, your soul mate if you will, is magical. So if she is that to you, then do it.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/28/11 10:47 pm | #5237
Glad is have the next 2 days off from work...what shall i do!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Re: Random Thoughts
06/28/11 11:17 pm | #5238
The uncharted 3 multiplayer beta is actually very addicting <3 it!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 4:03 am | #5239
Quote by NateDogg:
Glad is have the next 2 days off from work...what shall i do!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Nothing. Nothing at all. Just sit around and watch t.v.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 12:29 pm | #5240
Well I got my friends grad to go to today, then my grad tomorrow then Im done. So Excited!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 1:14 pm | #5242
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Ashley:
The uncharted 3 multiplayer beta is actually very addicting <3 it!
Jealousssss! Let me borrow your ps3!!! :-P
Lol you can borrow one of mine and play with me! All my other ps3 friends play socom/mag shit all day or call of duty
Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 1:20 pm | #5243
Heading home for a few days. If I failed the test I just took, it means no more summer school because I failed the prereq! AWESOME.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 1:22 pm | #5244
Quote by kroberts11:
Heading home for a few days. If I failed the test I just took, it means no more summer school because I failed the prereq! AWESOME.
Hey Krob, thanks for turning me onto Flashpoint!! 
Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 1:27 pm | #5245
^Sweet, you like it? I haven't started it yet, but plan to soon.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 1:39 pm | #5246
Quote by kroberts11:
^Sweet, you like it? I haven't started it yet, but plan to soon.
Hell yeah!! What are you waiting for? It's in CANADA!!! Lots of cameos by Canadian actors.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 1:48 pm | #5247
Haha yeah my dad told me it takes place there. I'll probably start it when I get home tonight/tomorrow.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 2:10 pm | #5248
Anyone got Red Faction Armageddon?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/29/11 4:26 pm | #5250
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Ashley:
Lol you can borrow one of mine and play with me! All my other ps3 friends play socom/mag shit all day or call of duty
LOL I'll be over in 30! ;p
haha remember...we really dont live too far apart anyway. ive been playing it since around 9am and i think i am just now finishing for the day lol definitely worth trying out though for real. i prefer the co-op online matches they are pretty cool.
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