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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/19/15 3:04 am | #24961
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
"3 day suspension" It seems like there might be a story behind that statement....
Nothing really. Just attendance. Been there 14 years now, this year is 15 iirc. Have been suspended for attendance 4 times now. None were from missing work, just a minute late here, 5 minutes there, and so on.
3 day suspension for a stack of 1 or 5 minute lates?? Well, that's a mess. I would say find a new job, but 15 years is sorta hard to walk away from.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/19/15 12:34 pm | #24962
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Nothing really. Just attendance. Been there 14 years now, this year is 15 iirc. Have been suspended for attendance 4 times now. None were from missing work, just a minute late here, 5 minutes there, and so on.
3 day suspension for a stack of 1 or 5 minute lates?? Well, that's a mess. I would say find a new job, but 15 years is sorta hard to walk away from.
They used to give us a 7 minute grace period, on either side of our start time. That got thrown out last year after quite a few complaints of Supervisors showing favoritism to employees who either abused it or were more than 7 minutes late and not being turned in.
It sucks, cause 2 ways to the plant are blocked by train tracks, so on any given day you could get stuck by a train. Of course HR just says "You should have left your house sooner"
But when you work somewhere with 800+ employees, eventually everything good is taken away by people who complain.
Now, 1 minute late is late, period.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/19/15 12:55 pm | #24963
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
3 day suspension for a stack of 1 or 5 minute lates?? Well, that's a mess. I would say find a new job, but 15 years is sorta hard to walk away from.
They used to give us a 7 minute grace period, on either side of our start time. That got thrown out last year after quite a few complaints of Supervisors showing favoritism to employees who either abused it or were more than 7 minutes late and not being turned in.
It sucks, cause 2 ways to the plant are blocked by train tracks, so on any given day you could get stuck by a train. Of course HR just says "You should have left your house sooner"
But when you work somewhere with 800+ employees, eventually everything good is taken away by people who complain.
Now, 1 minute late is late, period.
That sucks! I know the feeling though...it used to be the same where I work...Got changed after a certain employee was ALWAYS late for her shifts...now it's if your 1 minute late...you're late...and something like 3 in a rolling 90 day period is a suspension or something....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/19/15 4:45 pm | #24964
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
3 day suspension for a stack of 1 or 5 minute lates?? Well, that's a mess. I would say find a new job, but 15 years is sorta hard to walk away from.
They used to give us a 7 minute grace period, on either side of our start time. That got thrown out last year after quite a few complaints of Supervisors showing favoritism to employees who either abused it or were more than 7 minutes late and not being turned in.
It sucks, cause 2 ways to the plant are blocked by train tracks, so on any given day you could get stuck by a train. Of course HR just says "You should have left your house sooner"
But when you work somewhere with 800+ employees, eventually everything good is taken away by people who complain.
Now, 1 minute late is late, period.
I used to give my employees the "Life Happens", you could be five minutes early to work or five minutes late. There were things that just couldn't be helped. If you exceeded the five minutes the computer would flag the individual and I'd receive a report at the end of the week. Multiple tardies and you were held accountable. I would get the same complaints about people abusing the system and I could only give them the one answer, it's none of your business about who is being held accountable unless you want to make it your business and then I'll hold you accountable for being unproductive and disrupting the work place.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/15 1:20 am | #24965
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
3 day suspension for a stack of 1 or 5 minute lates?? Well, that's a mess. I would say find a new job, but 15 years is sorta hard to walk away from.
They used to give us a 7 minute grace period, on either side of our start time. That got thrown out last year after quite a few complaints of Supervisors showing favoritism to employees who either abused it or were more than 7 minutes late and not being turned in.
It sucks, cause 2 ways to the plant are blocked by train tracks, so on any given day you could get stuck by a train. Of course HR just says "You should have left your house sooner"
But when you work somewhere with 800+ employees, eventually everything good is taken away by people who complain.
Now, 1 minute late is late, period.
Man- Evol acts like he's late if he's less than 15 minutes early. :/ Of course his company does an attendance bonus, and that's nice.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/15 6:45 pm | #24966
So my roommate picked up an Xbone for the living room. Looks like I'll be back on Live.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/21/15 12:36 am | #24967
Quote by Kat:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
They used to give us a 7 minute grace period, on either side of our start time. That got thrown out last year after quite a few complaints of Supervisors showing favoritism to employees who either abused it or were more than 7 minutes late and not being turned in.
It sucks, cause 2 ways to the plant are blocked by train tracks, so on any given day you could get stuck by a train. Of course HR just says "You should have left your house sooner"
But when you work somewhere with 800+ employees, eventually everything good is taken away by people who complain.
Now, 1 minute late is late, period.
Man- Evol acts like he's late if he's less than 15 minutes early. :/ Of course his company does an attendance bonus, and that's nice.
When I used to work at Friday's, the mantra was "15 minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable".
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/21/15 6:54 am | #24968
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Kat:
Man- Evol acts like he's late if he's less than 15 minutes early. :/ Of course his company does an attendance bonus, and that's nice.
When I used to work at Friday's, the mantra was "15 minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable".
Or like they said at BellSouth when I worked there "Late again? You're fired."
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/22/15 8:20 pm | #24969
Quote by Kat:
Quote by IRiSH:
When I used to work at Friday's, the mantra was "15 minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable".
Or like they said at BellSouth when I worked there "Late again? You're fired."
Re: Random Thoughts
11/25/15 12:30 pm | #24970
I'm late all the time. Oops.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/26/15 10:54 am | #24971
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!
Re: Random Thoughts
11/26/15 11:02 am | #24972
Re: Random Thoughts
11/26/15 12:02 pm | #24973
Re: Random Thoughts
11/26/15 12:04 pm | #24974
Happy Thanksgiving, mateys!
Re: Random Thoughts
11/26/15 8:56 pm | #24975
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends. Bad thanksgiving to everyone else. 😂
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