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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/20/15 9:46 am | #24526
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Nah, with the divorce and everything else going on, I went back to house painting. It's simple, I know the business and it's relatively cheap to start over again. (shrug)
Don't get me wrong, gigalo would be fun but I got tired of taking 6 showers a day and too many women like to bite or scratch - it's hard to cover up so the next MILF doesn't see it.
Sounds like an exciting life. XD
No thanks, not anymore. Boring is cheap, exciting is expensive.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/20/15 4:07 pm | #24527
Got my braces taken off today. Gums hurt like Hell, but my teeth feel so smooth

Gotta get my retainer next week though.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 2:56 am | #24528
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 5:38 am | #24529
Quote by Daniel:
Hello again Pleurisy...
Remember when we used to be friends?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 12:35 pm | #24530
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
Got my braces taken off today. Gums hurt like Hell, but my teeth feel so smooth

Gotta get my retainer next week though.
I seriously need to get my wisdom teeth pulled before I go insane but I'm being a baby about it.
My whole mouth just hurts at this point.
Plus I think I'm gonna get my tongue pierced. It'll be a pain party in my mouth.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 2:49 pm | #24531
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
Got my braces taken off today. Gums hurt like Hell, but my teeth feel so smooth

Gotta get my retainer next week though.
I seriously need to get my wisdom teeth pulled before I go insane but I'm being a baby about it.
My whole mouth just hurts at this point.
Plus I think I'm gonna get my tongue pierced. It'll be a pain party in my mouth.

If you go with the tongue piercing, here are some tips.
Midol is your friend. Take it a little before getting the piercing, it will help with the swelling.
Everyone will want to see it that first day or two. Make them wait, the pain of catching the bottom ball or the barbell on your teeth is not worth them seeing it while it is swollen.
it takes about 1-3 days for the swelling to go down. And about 10-21 days for the hole to completely heal.
During that first 3 weeks, make sue to ALWAYS have Listerine with you. You need to use it after eating, drinking, or smoking anything. The ONLY exception to this is purified water. And yes it will burn like a mother fucker when the Listerine gets un the hole in your tongue.
Don't try to take the barbell out or change it for at least 3-4 weeks. After that change from the piercing gauge(14), to a slightly bigger 12. Less chance of injury that way. Shorter barbells are better as well, see below.
Last tip, be careful eating until you are used to it, you can chip teeth if you are not careful.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 4:03 pm | #24532
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
Got my braces taken off today. Gums hurt like Hell, but my teeth feel so smooth

Gotta get my retainer next week though.
I seriously need to get my wisdom teeth pulled before I go insane but I'm being a baby about it.
My whole mouth just hurts at this point.
Plus I think I'm gonna get my tongue pierced. It'll be a pain party in my mouth.

I am soooo glad I had mine out. I was scared, but my mouth never even came close to hurting as much after the surgery as it did before it!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 4:51 pm | #24533
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I seriously need to get my wisdom teeth pulled before I go insane but I'm being a baby about it.
My whole mouth just hurts at this point.
Plus I think I'm gonna get my tongue pierced. It'll be a pain party in my mouth.

If you go with the tongue piercing, here are some tips.
Midol is your friend. Take it a little before getting the piercing, it will help with the swelling.
Everyone will want to see it that first day or two. Make them wait, the pain of catching the bottom ball or the barbell on your teeth is not worth them seeing it while it is swollen.
it takes about 1-3 days for the swelling to go down. And about 10-21 days for the hole to completely heal.
During that first 3 weeks, make sue to ALWAYS have Listerine with you. You need to use it after eating, drinking, or smoking anything. The ONLY exception to this is purified water. And yes it will burn like a mother fucker when the Listerine gets un the hole in your tongue.
Don't try to take the barbell out or change it for at least 3-4 weeks. After that change from the piercing gauge(14), to a slightly bigger 12. Less chance of injury that way. Shorter barbells are better as well, see below.
Last tip, be careful eating until you are used to it, you can chip teeth if you are not careful.
Oh I know how much of a bitch it can be. XD But yeah. I'm gonna do what my friend did and she basically walked around with a sippy cup full of mouth wash for like a month. It was hilarious. If I had it my way, I'd have a quite a few more piercings but work doesn't allow any that are visible other than your ears. It's pretty lame.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 4:54 pm | #24534
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I seriously need to get my wisdom teeth pulled before I go insane but I'm being a baby about it.
My whole mouth just hurts at this point.
Plus I think I'm gonna get my tongue pierced. It'll be a pain party in my mouth.

I am soooo glad I had mine out. I was scared, but my mouth never even came close to hurting as much after the surgery as it did before it!!!
Same here, I had mine done when I was about 20. Back then we had to see a barber for our dentistry needs but the surgery was nothing compared to the relief afterwards. My daughter (13) had hers removed on Friday and she did just fine.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 4:56 pm | #24535
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by Kat:
I am soooo glad I had mine out. I was scared, but my mouth never even came close to hurting as much after the surgery as it did before it!!!
Same here, I had mine done when I was about 20. Back then we had to see a barber for our dentistry needs but the surgery was nothing compared to the relief afterwards. My daughter (13) had hers removed on Friday and she did just fine.
I'm going to make an appointment soon. I just hate doctors and dentists and anything of the sort. I spent a lot of time at doctors and hospitals as a kid so I just avoid it now. Lol. Probably shouldn't but eehhhh. e_e No.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/15 11:17 pm | #24536
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by Mindy:
Same here, I had mine done when I was about 20. Back then we had to see a barber for our dentistry needs but the surgery was nothing compared to the relief afterwards. My daughter (13) had hers removed on Friday and she did just fine.
I'm going to make an appointment soon. I just hate doctors and dentists and anything of the sort. I spent a lot of time at doctors and hospitals as a kid so I just avoid it now. Lol. Probably shouldn't but eehhhh. e_e No.
I know the feels. I'm a hypochondriac who hates going to the dr. It's a mess.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/22/15 1:26 pm | #24537
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/23/15 5:25 pm | #24538
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
I am glad that I took a look when it was up. Good catch. 
Re: Random Thoughts
04/24/15 12:26 am | #24539
Omfg elder scrolls online is a huge download. It's taking F O R E V E R.
Is anyone playing this yet? Is it awesome??
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/24/15 4:06 pm | #24540
Quote by Kat:
Omfg elder scrolls online is a huge download. It's taking F O R E V E R.
Is anyone playing this yet? Is it awesome??
I saw you playing it last night and it didn't have demo or anything next to it and I was scratching my head on how I missed the release of it. I went into the market place and wondered all around looking for it and found nothing. So I clicked on the play Elder Scrolls with Kat option and it took me to the marketplace with the unavailable option. Saw that it was rolling in at a 50gb download. Looking online the only way you can get down with it is if you were selected and received an email with the code. I'm jealous.
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