Random Thoughts
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Quote by Repo Man 360:
OK Steve Perry....
Quote by Repo Man 360:
If you never put the lime in the coconut, you'll never get to shake it all up...
A) Wu-tang Clan is not a thing to be fucked with,
B) You don't want to mess with Shady because Shady will fucking kill you
C) that dumb chick on the radio is all about that bass but does not prefer the treble at all
Quote by Meta:
A) Wu-tang Clan is not a thing to be fucked with,
B) You don't want to mess with Shady because Shady will fucking kill you
C) that dumb chick on the radio is all about that bass but does not prefer the treble at all
D) One Direction broke up and my life is over now.
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Meta:
A) Wu-tang Clan is not a thing to be fucked with,
B) You don't want to mess with Shady because Shady will fucking kill you
C) that dumb chick on the radio is all about that bass but does not prefer the treble at all
D) One Direction broke up and my life is over now.
I've forgotten until now,
You... You Bastard!
Quote by Johnny Broflex:
There has got to be a big story behind THAT statement.....

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Johnny Broflex:
There has got to be a big story behind THAT statement.....

Yeah got a very strange message from the 'brother' on Facebook while I was at work. Message stated that it was probably the strangest message you will ever see on Facebook. Said if my dad's name was Steve, which it is, then he was my brother. Said he looked up any known Steve's with my last name and only found 2, one of which was my father obviously, and the other was a 27 year old Asian guy (I'm not Asian). Started asking me questions about a woman, who turns out is his bio mother. I had never heard of her. He told me the reason he was telling me this stuff was because he couldn't find my dad on FB and the others he found were my step mom and one of my sisters and so if he had contacted my step mom and started asking questions and he turns out really to be my brother, my dad has some serious explaining to do to her and he didn't want to affect any marriages so he was very particular about dates on when my dad and mom split up and when my dad got together with my step mom. Well these dates start lining up and its looking more and more like this actually might be true. Then he says he has papers to prove my dad at least knows about him. Shows me signed copies of a waiver of parental rights form, stating my dads name and signature, shows me adoption papers and so forth. Definitely looks legit. I call up my mom and chat with her for a bit and I give her his FB link and she starts checking out his pictures and immediately in the first couple pics she notices the resemblance between me and him. Apparently him, his wife, my dad, and myself are the only people that know he actually exists as part of this family. his birth records were released when he turned 25. This guy actually sent me a friend request on FB about a year ago. Didnt think anything of it, just thought it was a friend of a friend but we never talked this whole time until today when he finally told me this.
Quote by Johnny Broflex:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
There has got to be a big story behind THAT statement.....

Yeah got a very strange message from the 'brother' on Facebook while I was at work. Message stated that it was probably the strangest message you will ever see on Facebook. Said if my dad's name was Steve, which it is, then he was my brother. Said he looked up any known Steve's with my last name and only found 2, one of which was my father obviously, and the other was a 27 year old Asian guy (I'm not Asian). Started asking me questions about a woman, who turns out is his bio mother. I had never heard of her. He told me the reason he was telling me this stuff was because he couldn't find my dad on FB and the others he found were my step mom and one of my sisters and so if he had contacted my step mom and started asking questions and he turns out really to be my brother, my dad has some serious explaining to do to her and he didn't want to affect any marriages so he was very particular about dates on when my dad and mom split up and when my dad got together with my step mom. Well these dates start lining up and its looking more and more like this actually might be true. Then he says he has papers to prove my dad at least knows about him. Shows me signed copies of a waiver of parental rights form, stating my dads name and signature, shows me adoption papers and so forth. Definitely looks legit. I call up my mom and chat with her for a bit and I give her his FB link and she starts checking out his pictures and immediately in the first couple pics she notices the resemblance between me and him. Apparently him, his wife, my dad, and myself are the only people that know he actually exists as part of this family. his birth records were released when he turned 25. This guy actually sent me a friend request on FB about a year ago. Didnt think anything of it, just thought it was a friend of a friend but we never talked this whole time until today when he finally told me this.
1 - Cool! a new family member - totally forgiving your parents for totally screwing up
2 - DAD! You F-ing idiot! Calling out your father for being a cheating bastard
3 - MOM! You f-ing cold b----- ! For not providing the needs of your husband
4 - DAD! You cheating A-------! For being a lying cheating AS-----.
5 - (inset) Mom -____________
6 - (inset) DAD - ____________
I think I covered or left enough marginal space for interpretation.
Look - it's really simple - Your choice is your own but he is your genetic brother - no matter how you choose to view your (and his) parents. That is a bond you can ignore, dispel or foster into a close bond. The choice is yours. What you do from this point forward is something YOU have to live with. When you have children will tell them about - my friend - this guy I know - my brother "insert name here" - or - uncle "insert name here"?
Me - I would have to meet this guy. I would want a new family member. My kids would know him FROM DAY 1 as MY BROTHER - a person that they could count on. If he turned out to be an A------, then he would never be mentioned again. Dumped. Flushed. Forgotten.
My 2 coppers
Quote by Johnny Broflex:
I really hope this works out well for you. Sounds like you can add a brother to your family!
I've been in a similiar situation but I haven't reached out to them because they have never been told the truth. I have 3 half siblings that don't know that I exist. Our Mother has hid that from them and her family since I was born. I was adopted by a wonderful family and they are my family, so I don't feel bad about it. But I would love to know them and have a relationship with them, but I can't be the one to destroy a family.
Quote by Timm the Zombie:
Quote by Johnny Broflex:
I really hope this works out well for you. Sounds like you can add a brother to your family!
I've been in a similiar situation but I haven't reached out to them because they have never been told the truth. I have 3 half siblings that don't know that I exist. Our Mother has hid that from them and her family since I was born. I was adopted by a wonderful family and they are my family, so I don't feel bad about it. But I would love to know them and have a relationship with them, but I can't be the one to destroy a family.
Thats pretty much the same way he feels
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