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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 12:21 am | #23896
Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 3:08 am | #23897
Ok, so what about the new xbones that are being manufactured right now - do they have the same faults?
Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 3:11 am | #23898
Knock on wood, but my day 1 hasn't had any problems so far. And I don't have that much of an issue with achievements popping, either. Idk. I think it's definitely ymmv.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 3:28 am | #23899
Achievements now unlocked with my MeGrimRock's session, after logging back into the game. Seems to be fine now. Definitely was an annoyance tonight, & I can appreciate people with slimmer gaming sessions than me, being annoyed too-- the decision to make xbox one achievements server-based, was well intentioned (people can't manipulate scores), but for those small few hackers, the other 99.9 suffer. Similar to a lot of issues today, this dick minority needs to be ignored-- I really don't care if "wackyweed420" manipulated a gamerscore of 2mil. The mods here delete him, and most people don't care. I just want credit for the (work) I put in-- and by (work), I mean fun.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 9:50 am | #23900
on a completly random thought note here. i have square roots on my teeth. instead of the usuall 4 pronged ends on teeth mine are square. :nerd:
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 11:27 am | #23901
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Achievements now unlocked with my MeGrimRock's session, after logging back into the game. Seems to be fine now. Definitely was an annoyance tonight, & I can appreciate people with slimmer gaming sessions than me, being annoyed too-- the decision to make xbox one achievements server-based, was well intentioned (people can't manipulate scores), but for those small few hackers, the other 99.9 suffer. Similar to a lot of issues today, this dick minority needs to be ignored-- I really don't care if "wackyweed420" manipulated a gamerscore of 2mil. The mods here delete him, and most people don't care. I just want credit for the (work) I put in-- and by (work), I mean fun.
I had a weird moment with my system last night at the end of the session. My Xbone decided to turn itself completely off without me turn turning it off.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 11:51 am | #23902
Quote by Mike G:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Achievements now unlocked with my MeGrimRock's session, after logging back into the game. Seems to be fine now. Definitely was an annoyance tonight, & I can appreciate people with slimmer gaming sessions than me, being annoyed too-- the decision to make xbox one achievements server-based, was well intentioned (people can't manipulate scores), but for those small few hackers, the other 99.9 suffer. Similar to a lot of issues today, this dick minority needs to be ignored-- I really don't care if "wackyweed420" manipulated a gamerscore of 2mil. The mods here delete him, and most people don't care. I just want credit for the (work) I put in-- and by (work), I mean fun.
I had a weird moment with my system last night at the end of the session. My Xbone decided to turn itself completely off without me turn turning it off.
Happened to me once in the year I've had both of mine. Only on one of my consoles though. No idea why, turned right on after and stayed on for another 4 hours of Netflix without a problem.
If you Google it you'll find a lot of people with the same issue.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 11:56 am | #23903
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Achievements now unlocked with my MeGrimRock's session, after logging back into the game. Seems to be fine now. Definitely was an annoyance tonight, & I can appreciate people with slimmer gaming sessions than me, being annoyed too-- the decision to make xbox one achievements server-based, was well intentioned (people can't manipulate scores), but for those small few hackers, the other 99.9 suffer. Similar to a lot of issues today, this dick minority needs to be ignored-- I really don't care if "wackyweed420" manipulated a gamerscore of 2mil. The mods here delete him, and most people don't care. I just want credit for the (work) I put in-- and by (work), I mean fun.
As of this morning, I'm still hearing reports that people are having issues, and xbox.com still says its dow. Which is pathetic its been 24 hours. I earned a whole bunch during the downage including Halo speedruns and AC shit and they better unlock later when this is over
Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 12:01 pm | #23904
I got the few that were not unlocking for me yesterday, but I won't be playing any Xbox One until the service alert is gone.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 1:52 pm | #23905
I have spent the last 4 days jumping through hoops, standing in line and filling out forms to get my financial aid straightened out. Hopefully now I am done. When the divorce is finalized, I will have to do more of this and I am not looking forward to ANY of that.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/15/15 5:40 pm | #23906
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I have spent the last 4 days jumping through hoops, standing in line and filling out forms to get my financial aid straightened out.
I had to do the same things, except for the hoops part. I think that's new, part of the Obamacare package, like it gets people to exercise more? Jumping through hoops burns a lot of calories.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/15 12:47 am | #23907
So far all of my achievements have been unlocking.
Also this Monopoly game is freaking mindboggling. I don't know what the hell was going on throughout the entire game and was just throwing cards around and somehow I got second place.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/15 12:59 am | #23908
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I have spent the last 4 days jumping through hoops, standing in line and filling out forms to get my financial aid straightened out.
I had to do the same things, except for the hoops part. I think that's new, part of the Obamacare package, like it gets people to exercise more? Jumping through hoops burns a lot of calories.
Last semester they couldn't keep any of my paperwork straight and I had to pay for everything out of pocket. I guess my file got passed from one desk to the next and no one seemed to know what the heck was going on.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/15 2:40 am | #23909
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
I don't know what the hell was going on throughout the entire game and was just throwing **** around and somehow I got second place.
Sex in a nutshell. As long as you finish, that's what counts.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/15 5:27 am | #23910
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Meta:
I had to do the same things, except for the hoops part. I think that's new, part of the Obamacare package, like it gets people to exercise more? Jumping through hoops burns a lot of calories.
Last semester they couldn't keep any of my paperwork straight and I had to pay for everything out of pocket. I guess my file got passed from one desk to the next and no one seemed to know what the heck was going on.
Umm... You might want to look into a different school. That's ridiculous.
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