Random Thoughts
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Quote by The Snapple Cap:
They could not get away with
old man Undertaker beating Lesnar
but i agree. still jaw dropping.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
but i agree. still jaw dropping.
All my Hulkamaniacs right here in the Silverdome...


Also, why does Jackie on Sleeping Dogs look like a Chinese version of that one guy Daryl from The Walking Dead or whatever?
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Also, why does Jackie on Sleeping Dogs look like a Chinese version of that one guy Daryl from The Walking Dead or whatever?
Jackie shops at the same trailer park goodwill. Wife beaters are half off on Sundays.
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Also, why does Jackie on Sleeping Dogs look like a Chinese version of that one guy Daryl from The Walking Dead or whatever?
Jackie shops at the same trailer park goodwill. Wife beaters are half off on Sundays.
Damn, so they're $1 instead of $2?! Imma hafta jump on that shit.
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Jackie shops at the same trailer park goodwill. Wife beaters are half off on Sundays.
Damn, so they're $1 instead of $2?! Imma hafta jump on that shit.
Walmart has a pack of 3 for $2.00 and comes with a smiley face sticker
Quote by Grenade Rising:
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Jackie shops at the same trailer park goodwill. Wife beaters are half off on Sundays.
Damn, so they're $1 instead of $2?! Imma hafta jump on that shit.
a shirt that name after spouse aduse
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Grenade Rising:
I'm still just like wat
Carefree American male, just graduated college. His parents set him up with a summer in Paris. He drinks, parties, gets women. One of them is (Lucy), whom he quickly falls for. She shows him where she works- the (Templar Base), and the (Animus) technology, that can tap into your ancestors. For "fun" (they're alone together), she wants him to try it out. He becomes (Altair)- for the purposes of the movie- it's set during the Crusades / Siege of Jerusalem, and he's an (Assassin) within Saladin's army, fighting the Templars, with Richard the Lionheart.
He's brought back to reality- meets Lucy's boss. The hero thinks they're in trouble, but the data is "remarkable" and they'll pay him a lot of money, if he can continue getting data. They give him a sizeable check, to start. He agrees. And to "mess with the data", they want him to turn against his Assassins, be a double agent. It's all a "game". So his ancestor begins systematically killing his unit. When he's brought back again- Lucy tells him the truth, that it isn't a "game", and he's tapping into his ancestor like a time machine- and by killing the Assassins, he's erasing their lineage through time- thinning the current Templar vs Assassin fight- and that she's the real double agent- she didn't think the project would be successful, but it has to be- because their situation is so desperate, now.
He doesn't believe her- and is only after the money. But the next time he comes back to reality, Lucy is gone- and her boss has no recollection of her ever existing. Now faced with this moral dilemma, and (already having the backstory of the Assassin vs Templar struggle, what's at stake), he then targets the Templars-- his Animus experience making him an almost superhuman killing machine.
The boss literally "pulls the plug" once he realizes what's going on- and the Hero becomes brain-dead, in reality. As a last-ditch struggle-- the few Assassins left, attack the facility. Lucy, wiped from existence, pulls an "Obi-Wan" and brings him back, through subconsciousness, raising philosophical questions about the nature of true existence- he fights alongside the few Assassins, reaching this Templar's cell's head- who turns out to be the Hero's own Father (i.e. the Paris trip, and Lucy, was all a setup so his son could be a guinea pig). A final chase / assassination, and the Hero kills his Father. Now, he must go after the remaining Templar order, while trying to build back, the Assassin order he decimated, and they obviously don't trust him.
And if you didn't want to read that, no worries. I'll sum it up:

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