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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 2:17 am | #21496
Quote by Kat:
So I've almost got Evol talked into getting a new xb1 so we can titanfall togezzer. So if that happens--- I'm expecting some invites hardcore yo.
Quote by Meta:
The NATs are more open than Kat's legs on a Saturday night, baby!
Get Titanfall and let's wreck shit, man.
Wait... Wat?
Why would there be talking involved when convincing him to get another XB1? I've heard on the grapevine your legs open on Saturday. If that's true, then no doubt you'll own another XB1 by Sunday. Unless you're a shitty lay...
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 2:19 am | #21497
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kat:
So I've almost got Evol talked into getting a new xb1 so we can titanfall togezzer. So if that happens--- I'm expecting some invites hardcore yo.
Wait... Wat?
Why would there be talking involved when convincing him to get another XB1? I've heard on the grapevine your legs open on Saturday. If that's true, then no doubt you'll own another XB1 by Sunday. Unless you're a shitty lay...
Convincing him to get himself a console that he already doesn't play the one we have rather than paying bills... Takes more than sex.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 2:27 am | #21498
Quote by Kat:
Convincing him to get himself a console that he already doesn't play the one we have rather than paying bills... Takes more than sex.
Ok well what you just said is impossible since there is nothing more than sex anywhere ever. Sex is it. The end.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 2:28 am | #21499
Quote by Kat:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Why would there be talking involved when convincing him to get another XB1? I've heard on the grapevine your legs open on Saturday. If that's true, then no doubt you'll own another XB1 by Sunday. Unless you're a shitty lay...
Convincing him to get himself a console that he already doesn't play the one we have rather than paying bills... Takes more than sex.
Then you ain't doing it right.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 2:33 am | #21500
I got chewed out yesterday by a guy who produced Sin City, & the Halloween & Hellraiser franchises. He torn apart my script. I was mad- but then I figured it'd be better to show him up... so I spent the last 35hrs or so, re-writing over half the movie ~50 pages. I sent him the new draft with a short, cordial reply. I don't need him, but it feels good to take someone's pissy feedback, recognize the value within the insults- and turn a C movie into a B+ one, overnight. If anyone wants to read it, PM me your email.
Now I need some well deserved gaming. And a woman. (looks around an empty condo) Some well deserved gaming. Yep.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 2:42 am | #21501
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kat:
Convincing him to get himself a console that he already doesn't play the one we have rather than paying bills... Takes more than sex.
Then you ain't doing it right.
Helen of Troy started a 10 year war over her vagina.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 2:58 am | #21502
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kat:
Convincing him to get himself a console that he already doesn't play the one we have rather than paying bills... Takes more than sex.
Then you ain't doing it right.
Lololol maybe- I'm not sure. I don't think sex has that power over him, but I've never had to use sex to get anything I want- I just have to ask. But that comes with huge responsibility because he would literally bankrupt us to make me happy. :/
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 3:36 am | #21503
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Then you ain't doing it right.
Helen of Troy started a 10 year war over her vagina.
I've discovered sex to be a great motivator for the men in my life. In fact, 99% of the time I get anything I want just by promising to never do it to them again.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 3:38 am | #21504
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Helen of Troy started a 10 year war over her vagina.
I've discovered sex to be a great motivator for the men in my life. In fact, 99% of the time I get anything I want just by promising to never do it to them again.
+1. You're the worst. The smells, noises, and emotions haunt me...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 3:44 am | #21505
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Mindy:
I've discovered sex to be a great motivator for the men in my life. In fact, 99% of the time I get anything I want just by promising to never do it to them again.
+1. You're the worst. The smells, noises, and emotions haunt me...
Shhhhhh.... You'll frighten the others.
I'm like a reverse stripper. Earlier today, someone gave me 10$ to put some pants on. That's a $20 value.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 3:47 am | #21506
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by AJ:
+1. You're the worst. The smells, noises, and emotions haunt me...
Shhhhhh.... You'll frighten the others.
I'm like a reverse stripper. Earlier today, someone gave me 10$ to put some pants on. That's a $20 value.
Genius. I need some of those flesh colored leggings to walk around in... I bet I'd get some takers.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 7:23 am | #21507
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mindy:
Shhhhhh.... You'll frighten the others.
I'm like a reverse stripper. Earlier today, someone gave me 10$ to put some pants on. That's a $20 value.
Genius. I need some of those flesh colored leggings to walk around in... I bet I'd get some takers.
ITT: Prehistoric values revisited. Cavemen fought sabertooth tigers, Woolley Mammoths, and every predator under the sun, with pointy phallic sticks. Cavewomen new what was up. You want sex? I'll be here. Feed me. Skin your kill, and make me warm. Maybe I'll sleep with you. If you're lucky.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 12:01 pm | #21508
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mindy:
Shhhhhh.... You'll frighten the others.
I'm like a reverse stripper. Earlier today, someone gave me 10$ to put some pants on. That's a $20 value.
Genius. I need some of those flesh colored leggings to walk around in... I bet I'd get some takers.

Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 10:07 pm | #21509
That Daniel is a super cool guy.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/06/14 10:27 pm | #21510
Flattery gets you "Every"where.
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