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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 3:47 pm | #21271
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Going into nyc to see a concert.
I somehow read that as you were going to a "nsync" concert.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 3:53 pm | #21272
I mean beauty on the inside. Nobody is born evil, but what life deals us, influences our choices to do harm. There's a stigma someone Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde, has to overcome, over Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany), or Hillary Clinton. The whole movie was based around that. And it was fiction. I'll let my future daughter play with whatever she wants- I think it's more how a parent talks to their children, and rewards them. Praising a girl for her looks and how she appears, over praising intelligence & how she uses her mind.
I'm buying Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate today. Something about your sig....
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 3:54 pm | #21273
lol about the nsync concert , so it finally getting hot again i wonder when the i can start using the pool it a club house for the neighborhood i hope too see some bikinis
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 6:53 pm | #21274
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I mean beauty on the inside. Nobody is born evil, but what life deals us, influences our choices to do harm. There's a stigma someone Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde, has to overcome, over Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany), or Hillary Clinton. The whole movie was based around that. And it was fiction. I'll let my future daughter play with whatever she wants- I think it's more how a parent talks to their children, and rewards them. Praising a girl for her looks and how she appears, over praising intelligence & how she uses her mind.
I'm buying Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate today. Something about your sig....
I could not agree more. And lol @ Hillary Clinton being ugly.
Off subject a little, I think it would be tougher to be beautiful in a female run world than a male.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 7:59 pm | #21275
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I mean beauty on the inside. Nobody is born evil, but what life deals us, influences our choices to do harm. There's a stigma someone Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde, has to overcome, over Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany), or Hillary Clinton. The whole movie was based around that. And it was fiction. I'll let my future daughter play with whatever she wants- I think it's more how a parent talks to their children, and rewards them. Praising a girl for her looks and how she appears, over praising intelligence & how she uses her mind.
I'm buying Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate today. Something about your sig....
Please. Please tell me you meant to say praising a girl for her intelligence and how she uses her mind over praising looks and how she appears.. Because the way i read that it sounds like you're saying you'd rather praise your daughter for her beauty than her intelligence, actual or perceived, which i trust is not what you meant..
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 8:01 pm | #21276
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I mean beauty on the inside. Nobody is born evil, but what life deals us, influences our choices to do harm. There's a stigma someone Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde, has to overcome, over Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany), or Hillary Clinton. The whole movie was based around that. And it was fiction. I'll let my future daughter play with whatever she wants- I think it's more how a parent talks to their children, and rewards them. Praising a girl for her looks and how she appears, over praising intelligence & how she uses her mind.
I'm buying Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate today. Something about your sig....
Please. Please tell me you meant to say praising a girl for her intelligence and how she uses her mind over praising looks and how she appears.. Because the way i read that it sounds like you're saying you'd rather praise your daughter for her beauty than her intelligence, actual or perceived, which i trust is not what you meant..
I think in this context he means to say that this is the wrong way to praise someone.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 8:11 pm | #21277
Quote by Grenade Rising:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Please. Please tell me you meant to say praising a girl for her intelligence and how she uses her mind over praising looks and how she appears.. Because the way i read that it sounds like you're saying you'd rather praise your daughter for her beauty than her intelligence, actual or perceived, which i trust is not what you meant..
I think in this context he means to say that this is the wrong way to praise someone.
I assume so too i just can't tell and I want to be sure
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 8:35 pm | #21278
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Quote by Grenade Rising:
I think in this context he means to say that this is the wrong way to praise someone.
I assume so too i just can't tell and I want to be sure
He's responding to what I said but didn't quote me, that's why it's confusing.
I said I disagree with the everyone is beautiful campaigns, and that is why girls grow up thinking that beauty is what they have to offer society. He's saying that he thinks that's more because of how parents praise their kids, by building up appearance primarily. At least I'm pretty sure.
I read it right after my post and wasn't confused but then I read it alone couldn't figure it out lol.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 8:42 pm | #21279
Yes, obviously. If you rear a little girl with praise for how she looks, she takes that to heart. Similar to how you praise little boys for being
well-mannered, or
'big'. i.e. wow, little jimmy sure can eat a lot! such a good boy. Those little triggers stick. It would be wrong to completely disregard having a little girl dress up, and feel beautiful. Boys and girls are different, & I wouldn't 'not' have them play with their friends & be who they want to be. but how they're praised & rewarded really dictate what they seek in life, as adults.
"Assassin's Creed" hoodie came in from China. Notice the italics. Not quite as advertised... but I'm happy it fits. It's basically a hoodie you'd buy in a Target, but with a slightly Asian look. For $21.99 and free shipping, it's fine. At least I can say my hoodie came from China, but it really has nothing to do with the series.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 10:38 pm | #21280
okay okay good that makes sense i was so confused i even read back and still just didn't understand. i wanted to trust that's what you meant. good thing i asked rather than assuming the worst
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 11:39 pm | #21281
Who would be interested in partying up and playing some BF4 (360 version) just for fun? It's much more fun with a squad of communicating people so let me know if you'd be interested in playing maybe once or twice a week.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/14 1:24 am | #21282
Grenade I'm totally down to join your BF4 thing, but first let me take a #selfie
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/14 1:28 am | #21283
Quote by Meta:
Grenade I'm totally down to join your BF4 thing, but first let me take a #selfie
LOL :cool:
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/14 1:31 am | #21284
Quote by Meta:
Grenade I'm totally down to join your BF4 thing, but first let me take a #selfie
Omg did meta just like my picture what a creep.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/14 1:52 am | #21285
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Meta:
Grenade I'm totally down to join your BF4 thing, but first let me take a #selfie
Omg did meta just like my picture what a creep.
I think he's talking about me. Did that pic qualify as a selfie? Come on. It's a made-up word & a made-up fad. Cameras are mirrors, the first thing anyone does when they buy a camera- is point it at themselves. Besides, this site could use more pics in-real-life, like Snapple bailing his friends out of jail New Year's Eve. I'm sure there were plenty of good photo-ops that evening...
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