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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:03 pm | #21226
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I want a new fallout game already.
Lots of us do but I don't foresee it happening either at all or ever.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:07 pm | #21227
Quote by heathkilljoy:
So everyno spacething I post is getting deleted now? That makes me a sad panda.
Including this post.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:09 pm | #21228
Quote by heathkilljoy:
so every thing i post is getting deleted now that make me a sad panda
Does punctuation and capitalization count?
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by heathkilljoy:
So everyno spacething I post is getting deleted now? That makes me a sad panda.
Including this post.
Edit: Damnit!!!! You beat me to it!!!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:11 pm | #21229
Quote by Dr Feelgood 474:
Quote by heathkilljoy:
so every thing i post is getting deleted now that make me a sad panda
Does punctuation and capitalization count?
If it did for him it would have to for everyone and you'd be surprised how many people would start getting deleted, lol!
Heath, just post the best you can. But remember- this is all people have to judge you on. Have some pride in yourself and just give it a quick lookie-loo before you hit post!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:12 pm | #21230
Quote by Dr Feelgood 474:
Quote by heathkilljoy:
so every thing i post is getting deleted now that make me a sad panda
Does punctuation and capitalization count?
Edit: Damnit!!!! You beat me to it!!!
It should.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:51 pm | #21231
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Dr Feelgood 474:
Does punctuation and capitalization count?
If it did for him it would have to for everyone and you'd be surprised how many people would start getting deleted, lol!
Heath, just post the best you can. But remember- this is all people have to judge you on. Have some pride in yourself and just give it a quick lookie-loo before you hit post!
i will try but like i said the word get jumbo up and flip around they look right when i post them
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:57 pm | #21232
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I want a new fallout game already.
Lots of us do but I don't foresee it happening either at all or ever.
they need to announce fallout 4 already!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 7:59 pm | #21233
Quote by heathkilljoy:
Quote by Kat:
If it did for him it would have to for everyone and you'd be surprised how many people would start getting deleted, lol!
Heath, just post the best you can. But remember- this is all people have to judge you on. Have some pride in yourself and just give it a quick lookie-loo before you hit post!
i will try but like i said the word get jumbo up and flip around they look right when i post them
Click if you use Chrome for Auto-Spell Check
Spell Check is Enabled by Default on Firefox, Right Click words that are underlined in Red.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 8:44 pm | #21234
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by heathkilljoy:
i will try but like i said the word get jumbo up and flip around they look right when i post them
Click if you use Chrome for Auto-Spell Check
Spell Check is Enabled by Default on Firefox, Right Click words that are underlined in Red.
some time my spelling is to bad for that to work
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 8:53 pm | #21235
Quote by heathkilljoy:
some time my spelling is to bad for that to work
Then don't post.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 10:02 pm | #21236
Guys i think hes saying he has dyslexia.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 10:06 pm | #21237
Quote by slicknick3822:
Guys i think hes saying he has dyslexia.
I've struggled with dyslexia and I can type fine.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 10:33 pm | #21238
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by slicknick3822:
Guys i think hes saying he has dyslexia.
I've struggled with dyslexia and I can type fine.
Well I'm not saying this is the case with Heath, but all disabilities have varying degrees of incapacitation. Dyslexic people can run the gamut from slight problems to permanently functionally illiterate. Especially if there is more going on than just that. None of us are doctors (although Sean P Cannon may have played one on tv) so we can't diagnose.
There are several people who do not (and who appear to actually lack the ability to) correctly construct sentences, and far more who consistently abuse the English language with their spelling and grammar. We can't single them all out and run them off, that's not right. I know the internet is dark and full of terrors, but we should try to keep our little corner more accepting and lenient than the rest. That's why we keep coming back here, right?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 10:35 pm | #21239
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Daniel:
I've struggled with dyslexia and I can type fine.
Well I'm not saying this is the case with Heath, but all disabilities have varying degrees of incapacitation. Dyslexic people can run the gamut from slight problems to permanently functionally illiterate. Especially if there is more going on than just that. None of us are doctors (although Sean P Cannon may have played one on tv) so we can't diagnose.
There are several people who do not (and who appear to actually lack the ability to) correctly construct sentences, and far more who consistently abuse the English language with their spelling and grammar. We can't single them all out and run them off, that's not right. I know the internet is dark and full of terrors, but we should try to keep our little corner more accepting and lenient than the rest. That's why we keep coming back here, right?
thanks you
Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/14 10:35 pm | #21240
Speak for yourself, I keep coming back to see your new sigs.
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