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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
03/20/14 11:40 am | #21256
Got my internet upgraded yesterday. It was nice to finally have 3-4 bars in Titanfall. I usually stayed at one bar every game...two on rare occasions. That's the penalty for living in the sticks, I guess. At least it's much better now.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/20/14 12:04 pm | #21257
i just cook the best hamburger it was so good
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/20/14 12:42 pm | #21258
Quote by SG Steelhead:
Got my internet upgraded yesterday. It was nice to finally have 3-4 bars in Titanfall. I usually stayed at one bar every game...two on rare occasions. That's the penalty for living in the sticks, I guess. At least it's much better now.
Congrats...I know the feeling.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/20/14 2:44 pm | #21259
Quote by Meta:
Viking was the game that made me want to have a "waffle list" of games that were fun and also easy/simple achievements.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/20/14 8:43 pm | #21260
Well this is a nice development. I'm getting back together with the High School Musical cast later next week. I'll gladly take a Vanessa Hudgens over Selena Gomez if it lets me shoot this movie. Of course, Heath wouldn't get his phone-call, but sacrifices. I love how things turn fortune on a dime. We'll see where this rabbit hole leads. I'll take the #thankful pill, Morpheus.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/20/14 9:01 pm | #21261
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Well this is a nice development. I'm getting back together with the High School Musical cast later next week. I'll gladly take a Vanessa Hudgens over Selena Gomez if it lets me shoot this movie. Of course, Heath wouldn't get his phone-call, but sacrifices. I love how things turn fortune on a dime. We'll see where this rabbit hole leads. I'll take the #thankful pill, Morpheus.
that make heath a sad panda but high school musicals are they any good i never watch one
Re: Random Thoughts
03/21/14 12:46 am | #21262
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/21/14 1:54 am | #21263
Quote by heathkilljoy:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Well this is a nice development. I'm getting back together with the High School Musical cast later next week. I'll gladly take a Vanessa Hudgens over Selena Gomez if it lets me shoot this movie. Of course, Heath wouldn't get his phone-call, but sacrifices. I love how things turn fortune on a dime. We'll see where this rabbit hole leads. I'll take the #thankful pill, Morpheus.
that make heath a sad panda but high school musicals are they any good i never watch one
No, Heath. No they were not.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/21/14 1:58 am | #21264
Quote by Kat:
Quote by heathkilljoy:
that make heath a sad panda but high school musicals are they any good i never watch one
No, Heath. No they were not.
Heath would probably love them.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/21/14 2:31 am | #21265
I'd take High School Musical over Twilight any day of the week. It's boggling coming from a female writer, but anyone will take a paycheck, if the gravy train keeps rolling. I, for one, and glad that's done and over with. Hunger Games is a much better role model. Active Woman > Passive Woman.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/21/14 4:01 am | #21266
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I'd take High School Musical over Twilight any day of the week. It's boggling coming from a female writer, but anyone will take a paycheck, if the gravy train keeps rolling. I, for one, and glad that's done and over with. Hunger Games is a much better role model. Active Woman > Passive Woman.
In an ideal world we will never have to choose between hsm and twilight.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/21/14 6:01 am | #21267
I agree. The day when Barbies don't exist, & everyone plays with G.I. Joe's, will make me smile. And I think that will happen within all our lifetimes. Everyone is "beautiful" like Barbie, & everyone can kick ass, like Katniss. There are distinct differences, we're male & female, after all- but the little girl today, who likes Anime, or Ninja Turtles, I'd bet will be more a CEO candidate, than those who horde the Disney Princess, line. Nothing wrong with "being a girl", I'm just influencing one in particular, to be "all she can be", to quote an old Army slogan. My family's Army, & I dated Army- the first real Woman I ever loved. Wasn't because she looked like Jessica Simpson. Was because she sat on Saddam Hussein's throne, in a photo op- after our military found his bunker- & I thought... you know what? That's probably a Woman I'd like to get to get to know. And I did. & we're still good friends. Telling... that her 1st child, was a Daughter.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/21/14 4:04 pm | #21268
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 12:57 pm | #21269
Going into nyc to see a concert.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/14 1:12 pm | #21270
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I agree. The day when Barbies don't exist, & everyone plays with G.I. Joe's, will make me smile. And I think that will happen within all our lifetimes. Everyone is "beautiful" like Barbie, & everyone can kick ass, like Katniss. There are distinct differences, we're male & female, after all- but the little girl today, who likes Anime, or Ninja Turtles, I'd bet will be more a CEO candidate, than those who horde the Disney Princess, line. Nothing wrong with "being a girl", I'm just influencing one in particular, to be "all she can be", to quote an old Army slogan. My family's Army, & I dated Army- the first real Woman I ever loved. Wasn't because she looked like Jessica Simpson. Was because she sat on Saddam Hussein's throne, in a photo op- after our military found his bunker- & I thought... you know what? That's probably a Woman I'd like to get to get to know. And I did. & we're still good friends. Telling... that her 1st child, was a Daughter.
I don't think the solution is for Barbies to not exist. It's for them to be depinked. Stop forcing gender roles and let kids play with what they want. Just like pink tinker toys isn't the solution to a lack of female engineers.
There's nothing wrong with girly girls and it doesn't make them less capable of being a CEO one day- we've all seen legally blonde right?
But the message we need to lose is "everyone's beautiful." Because not everyone is, some people never will be, and beauty shouldn't be the measuring stick society holds up for worth. Once we put a value on substance, girls will be able to realize they can play with Barbie and tmnt toys, and grow up to be whatever they choose, whether it's a mom or the president or both.
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